Rehabilitation after surgery for varicose veins of the lower extremities

The success and duration of rehabilitation after surgery for varicose veins of the lower extremities depend on the initial condition of the patient and the extent of surgical intervention. The course of therapy is prescribed in each case individually, and if the doctor’s instructions are followed, recovery occurs without complications.

Inpatient rehabilitation

To maintain the tone of the cardiovascular system after the operation, the patient’s legs are placed on a 10 cm high cushion, and already 3-4 hours after the operation the patient must perform simple exercises: circular movements of the feet, raising the legs. Lying still is harmful.

Postoperative sensations may be painful - this is due to damage to soft tissues.

The next day, the patient is allowed to sit down, a bandage is made from an elastic bandage, with which he is allowed to stand up and walk. At the same time, physical therapy and massage are prescribed to prevent blood clots from forming. Treat wounds and change bandages every 1-2 days.

The doctor allows you to drink and eat after 2-3 hours, when the anesthesia wears off. Avoid foods that have a laxative effect or may cause constipation, as well as salty and spicy foods.

If the wounds are dry, the individual sutures are removed after 5-8 days. They remain on the shins and groin for up to two weeks. They stay in the hospital for 5-10 days, depending on the condition.

They are discharged from the hospital no earlier than the skin sutures are removed.

Rehabilitation at home

The recovery period lasts up to 6 months. To prevent recurrence of the disease, it is important to visit a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Compression jersey

Special socks or tights are worn when the skin sutures are removed. Knitwear creates increased physiological pressure in the lower part of the leg, which decreases closer to the thigh. As a result, blood does not stagnate and swelling is eliminated. Such underwear helps the body quickly get used to the changes that follow the operation and prevents excessive tension in injured muscles, thus reducing pain.

The degree of compression and duration of wearing are determined by the doctor. For some patients, it is enough to wear special underwear for 3-4 weeks, while others are prescribed it for 2-3 months.

To prevent recurrence of varicose veins, you should definitely wear compression stockings in the following cases:

  • if you have an air flight or a long bus ride (2-4 hours);
  • if your legs get very tired at work;
  • when playing sports;
  • when even minor swelling appears;
  • women during pregnancy or taking hormonal contraceptives.

Instead of knitwear, an elastic bandage is sometimes used. In the lower part of the leg, the bandage is made tighter, the middle and upper third of the shin are bandaged looser, and the thigh is bandaged without tension. and compression hosiery increase the speed of blood flow through the deep veins by 5-7 times, without them normal postoperative rehabilitation is impossible.


Perform while lying down. Do the “Scissors” and “Bicycle” exercises, pull your knees to your chest and raise your straight legs to a vertical position. Therapeutic gymnastics is a good prevention of postoperative complications, since it does not allow the blood to stagnate. However, you should not overload your muscles with training, since excess uric acid produced can lead to blood clots. The operated leg must be protected from injury.

Breathing exercises, swimming and walking in a heel-toe rhythm are helpful. Walks of 20-40 minutes are advisable.

If an operation has been performed for thrombophlebitis of the saphenous veins, vibration gymnastics is useful: standing straight, rise on your toes, lifting your heels 1 cm from the floor, then sharply lower them with a blow. This exercise normalizes blood circulation, it is performed 20-30 times and repeated after a break of 5-10 seconds.

What to eat

  • fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. These are black currant, sea buckthorn, sweet pepper;
  • seafood, as it prevents veins from stretching;
  • containing plant fibers - leafy vegetables, celery, apples, oatmeal;
  • blood thinners - onions, garlic, cherries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, olive oil;
  • containing rutin, which makes the walls of the veins elastic - walnuts, hazelnuts, honey.

You can't overeat. It is important not to gain excess weight, which harms blood vessels and joints. It is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of still water at room temperature per day. Part of this volume can be replaced with green tea, healthy for blood vessels, and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, with the exception of carrots, since it increases blood clotting.


To normalize microcirculation after surgery and restore vascular tone in the lower extremities, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Phlebodia 600;
  • Detralex.

Doctors who perform vascular operations use the drug Trental and other pentoxifylline-based drugs to stimulate bypass pathways of blood flow.

The treatment regimen after surgery at home, indicating the dosage and frequency of administration, is determined by the doctor. In addition to therapy, vitamin complexes and antioxidants are prescribed.

What should you not do after surgery?

The body needs a gentle regime to open the reserve superficial venous system. Until this happens, the deep veins will experience increased stress, and there will be swelling on the foot and lower leg. In order not to provoke complications, for the first 2-3 weeks you should not move intensively, squat, or sunbathe. It is advisable not to fly on an airplane during this period - changes in atmospheric pressure are harmful.

Taking good care of your health in the postoperative period involves the following prohibitions and restrictions:

  • the leg should not be wetted until the skin sutures are removed;
  • Do not injure the seam with a hard washcloth or scrub, or remove the crusts covering the incision lines;
  • before the suture is formed (2-3 months after surgery), do not take hot baths or go to the bathhouse or sauna;
  • It is not recommended to lift a load of more than 4-5 kg ​​in the first 2 months and 10 kg for 6 months after surgery;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol.

You should not try to get rid of bruises and seals along the removed veins using ointments, compresses or heating without consulting the surgeon who performed the operation.

When can I return to work after surgery?

Sick leave is issued for 15-30 days, depending on the profession and condition of the patient. If the operation was performed on one leg, you can start working in 2-3 weeks, if on both legs, after 3-4 weeks.

The therapist evaluates the recovery process and can extend sick days if the patient needs it.

If a long-term certificate of incapacity for work has been issued, you must come for an examination to the clinic every 15 days to confirm or terminate the rehabilitation period.

You can start simple remote work after leaving the hospital.

Possible complications and consequences

Cosmetic defects on the skin appear due to the tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars.

More severe complications after surgery can occur in the following form:

  • suppuration of wounds when they become infected;
  • accumulation of fluid in tissues due to damage to lymph nodes;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin if the nerves passing near the veins and lymphatic vessels are injured.

To determine the risk of thrombosis, a complete blood count is done before surgery.

Why did the veins remain

The operation affects only the affected vessels, so the disease may return. The appearance of veins along the scar indicates a relapse of the disease. The expansion of veins in the legs away from the incision is evidence of the progression of varicose veins. The most common reasons for relapse are:

  • neovascularization (pathological proliferation of blood vessels);
  • heredity;
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy.

If the symptoms of varicose veins are severe, surgery cannot be postponed. 85-90% of the blood flows through deep veins, which are rarely operated on. 10-15% of the total current occurs in the subcutaneous vessels. Surgeries are most often performed on them. Today, surgeons are developing minimally invasive, gentle methods for such intervention.