What and why do strokes occur?

A disease like stroke, can occur completely unnoticed by a person. Therefore, it is very important to know what symptoms this disease has and what will happen if a stroke does occur. Stroke will be discussed in more detail in this article.


Under diagnosis, having a name "Stroke", refers to a circulatory disorder in the brain.

A person who has had a stroke may have the following health problems:

  1. Gets lost sensitivity.
  2. Speech the patient becomes incomprehensible to others.
  3. Maybe vision deteriorates.
  4. arise problems with the vestibular system. The sick patient may have an unsteady gait and poor balance.
  5. The patient a person may experience hallucinations.
  6. .Arises muscle weakness.
  7. Possible impairment of motor function of the upper or lower extremities.

If a stroke affects the functioning of most parts of the brain, the following signs of the disease may appear:

  1. At normal temperature the body may experience dry mouth, as well as a feeling of heat throughout the body.
  2. A sick man may be in an excited state or be lethargic.
  3. In a person, Having suffered such an attack, there may be frequent dizziness up to short-term fainting.
  4. The patient can poor orientation in space and time.
  5. The heart will work with double force and cause pain in a person.
  6. Increasing sweating
  7. The strong are worried headaches, which may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting.

It is very important to know in which hemisphere of the patient’s brain the malfunction occurred, since the person’s future life will depend on this:

  1. If there is damage to blood vessels on the left side of the brain, then the patient may begin to speak inarticulately.
  2. When the vessels on the right side of the brain are affected, then the patient will have problems in the form of, for example, disorientation in time.

What and why do strokes occur?

A stroke can occur for several reasons:

  • In one of the blood vessels thrombosis formed in the vessels.
  • There was a break damaged cerebral vessel.

A person may have a stroke if:

  1. Available any problem with the blood vessels of the brain.
  2. History there is high blood pressure.
  3. Patient leads an unhealthy lifestyle (smokes a lot, drinks alcohol or has problems with obesity).


Common causes of this neurological disease include the following:

  • The most common The cause of this disease can be called high blood pressure (arterial hypertension) in the patient.
  • Formation on blood vessels brain special plaques that consist of cholesterol. Cholesterol interferes with the proper functioning of blood vessels.
  • If the patient is sick diabetes mellitus, then in this situation there is a high probability that the vessels may rupture over time.
  • Bad habits, such as alcohol abuse, frequent smoking during the day.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Frequently stressful situations or experiences.
  • , in which the whole body works for wear and tear.
  • Patient little moves throughout the day and has an incorrect eating schedule.

In addition to general reasons stroke There are some other indicators at which the occurrence of this disease is also possible.

Such indicators include, for example:

  1. Patient's age (over 50 years);
  2. Heredity:
  3. Anemia of hemorrhagic type;
  4. Frequent migraines;
  5. Constant intoxication of the body;
  6. Gender of the person (stroke occurs much less frequently in women than in the opposite sex);
  7. Blood diseases;
  8. Heart failure.

Types of strokes

There are several variants of such a disease as stroke:

  • Hemorrhagic stroke. The cause of such a stroke is a rupture of blood vessels in the brain, due to which hemorrhage occurs and hematomas may appear in the brain. Vascular rupture can occur if the patient is found to have body poisoning, a severe lack of vitamins, or high blood pressure.
  • Ischemic stroke may occur if blood clots form in the patient’s brain vessels.

This stroke has several types:

  1. Small stroke, in which only small areas will be affected.
  2. Micro stroke. It is also called transistorized ischemic attack. With such a stroke, the activity of only a few vessels is damaged, which can return to normal within 24 hours.
  3. Progressive view. In this case, changes occur in many brain areas.
  4. Final type affects large areas of the brain. After treatment, the patient will still experience the consequences of the stroke, which can be severe.
  • Subarachnoid stroke may occur to the patient if hemorrhage occurs in the subarachnoid zone of the brain. This may occur due to brain injury, drug overdose, poor blood clotting, or severe anemia.

If a patient has this type of stroke, there is very little chance that he will be able to return to life.

Stroke is also classified into two types:

  1. Extensive. Such a stroke affects the activity of most cerebral vessels.
  2. Local A stroke occurs only in certain areas of the brain.

A stroke can still have several stages in which the disease can develop, namely:

  • heavy;
  • moderate severity;
  • light.

According to the etiology, stroke forms can also have the following types:

  1. Lacunar. With this type, only small arteries will be affected. The lacunar type can be provoked by the increased blood pressure that the patient has.
  2. Hemodynamic type, in which the brain lacks nutrients and as a result vasospasm occurs. This type of stroke can occur if a person has low blood pressure or heart problems.
  3. Thromboembolic type occurs when a blood clot forms in the blood vessels of the brain, which interferes with proper blood circulation through the brain vessels. This type is usually associated with atherosclerosis.

What is the blood pressure during a stroke?

If a person's blood pressure has risen above 140 by 90 mm of mercury, the risk of stroke increases several times. After all, a sharp increase in pressure in a patient by more than 50% cases can lead to stroke.

Does a stroke occur with low blood pressure?

Typically a stroke occurs when high blood pressure. But it also happens that people with low blood pressure can also suffer from such a neurological disease. This can happen for the reason that with low pressure in the human body there simply are not enough internal resources to fight a possible illness.

Does stroke occur during menstruation?

During menstruation, a woman’s body produces a large amount of hormones, due to which is decreasing the risk of blood clots and plaques in the vascular system of the brain. And as a consequence, ischemic stroke during this period it rarely occurs in females.

But a hemorrhagic stroke due to high blood pressure or blood clotting can still occur during menstruation.

What temperature?

In medical practice, the body temperature of a patient who has undergone stroke, can have different meanings.

After all, normal temperature values ​​for each type of disease may differ:

An increase in the patient’s body temperature to a critical level of forty degrees may indicate complications of the disease, which include:

  • Emergence pneumonia.
  • Gain diseases that the patient has a history of and are chronic.
  • Big hemorrhage that occurs in the brain after a ruptured vessel.
  • Appearance cerebral edema after such a neurological blow.

At what age is it most common?

Stroke can also occur in young people, but most often this disease affects older people fifty years.

Therefore, older people need to monitor their well-being very carefully and, if they feel unwell, they must seek help from medical specialists.

Why does it manifest itself in young people?

In young people, the causes of stroke may be:

  1. Any diseases vessels that were not previously discovered.
  2. Various cardiological diseases.
  3. Blood quality problems, for example, if a person has terminal anemia.
  4. With long-term use various medications, these include not only blood pressure pills, but also birth control pills.

If a young patient has periodically severe headaches, tinnitus, and also feels strong pulsation in the head and neck, then it is very important not to delay the visit to neurologist. Since such symptoms may indicate the possible development stroke.

How many strokes can a person have?

On average a person can endure about four strokes. This can only happen if none of the strokes suffered by the patient were extensive.

It is also worth keeping in mind if a person was able to survive three strokes, then when the next stroke occurs, the patient may fall into to whom. In this case, there is a high probability that the patient will no longer be able to come to his senses.

Is there a stroke without paralysis?

Sometimes after a patient has had a stroke not happening paralysis of the limbs. This does not happen very often, but in any case, the patient may be further bothered by pneumonia, frequent mood swings, or absent-mindedness.


Complications of a stroke may include:

Bedsores may also appear in a sick person if:

  1. Not present in his diet a sufficient amount of foods that are especially rich in protein.
  2. Daily body hygiene of a sick patient is not carried out as carefully as it should be.
  3. The skin that adheres to the bones feels a lot of pressure due to constantly being in one position.

In order for the patient to avoid such a complication, he needs to change his position several times a day. If the patient cannot do this on his own, then the person who cares for such a patient should help him.

  • Formation of blood clots in the veins. In order to prevent such a complication from occurring, the patient will necessarily need to perform special gymnastics and massage. These preventive measures will help the affected person improve the functionality of their legs or arms.
  • Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). This complication occurs due to the fact that, due to disturbances in the patient’s respiratory system, sputum accumulates in the lungs, which the patient, due to a stroke, cannot independently remove by coughing.
  • Complete or partial paralysis of the limbs occurs. With this condition, the patient cannot independently tense the muscles and move the upper or lower limbs. Paralysis can be right-sided or left-sided. On which side a stroke can occur will depend on which side the brain vessels were damaged.
  • Sensitivity decreases. With this complication, a person may not feel pain when receiving an injection or if the patient accidentally hits something.
  • There is a mental disorder expressed in crying or laughter that occurs for no apparent reason.
  • Coma is one of the most serious complications after a stroke. Because, being in this state, the patient may never return to life.

As can be seen from what is written above, a stroke, as a neurological disease, can leave behind irreversible changes in the human body. Therefore, it is very important to take care of your health from a young age.

It is also always necessary pay attention to signals from the body, which could be frequent headaches or heart disease. If a person does not feel very well, it is best to seek help from to the doctor. After all, you should always try to prevent illness.