Elderberry plant: varieties, beneficial properties, contraindications

Elderberry is a perennial plant widely grown in temperate and subtropical climates. In total, there are about 40 of its varieties, 13 of which grow in Russia. Some of them have the status of ornamental plants, while others have found use in folk medicine.

The most popular are 3 types of plants: red elderberry, black elderberry and herbaceous elderberry. Almost any part of the elderberry is used for medicinal purposes: leaves, fruits, bark and roots. Of particular interest are the inflorescences of the plant, which can be easily prepared.

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    Description and use of the plant

    Elderberry belongs to the Honeysuckle family and looks like a small tree or shrub; it is extremely rarely found as a perennial herb. The height of the plant, depending on the variety, usually reaches from 3 to 9 meters. The flowering period occurs in May - early June. In this interval, the elderberry is covered with small inflorescences of cream or white with yellowish color. Later, berries appear in place of the flowers, the ripening of which will occur in August or September.

    Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and laxative properties are attributed to the inflorescences of the plant. They are actively used in the fight against sore throats and colds, arthritis and rheumatism.

    The leaves of the plant have a diuretic, sedative and antipyretic effect. With their help, they significantly reduce the activity of inflammatory processes in burns and bruises.

    Fresh and dried elderberry fruits are used in the treatment of serious diseases such as hepatitis, malaria and neuralgic diseases. People know recipes used to treat even skin and stomach cancer. The bark of the medicinal plant is successfully used for kidney and skin diseases, edema, arthritis, rheumatism and gout.

    A decoction prepared from raw materials from all parts of the elderberry significantly improves the condition of the body and increases immunity.

    Black elderberry

    Black elderberry is a low-growing tree from 2 to 5 meters in height with small cream-colored flowers, which later become round black berries with a clearly visible purple tint. Small castings have jagged edges, and an unpleasant odor is noted when approaching them.

    All parts of this plant are used in folk medicine. Some of them can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. Each part of the black elderberry contains a huge amount of useful substances, but it should be noted that unripe fruits and leaves are toxic.

    Beneficial features

    The inflorescences of this shrub contain tannins and minerals, essential oils, choline and rutin. They also contain several useful acids, including valeric, malic and acetic. They are used to prepare infusions against colds.

    The berries of the plant contain a noticeable amount of vitamin C, tannins, glucose and fructose. They are endowed with a pronounced diuretic property, so they are often used for edema. Decoctions from the fruits cope with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and oral cavity. The use of shrub berries improves the functioning of the pancreas; they significantly alleviate the patient’s condition with varicose veins.

    Black elderberry is used in the fight against cancer. Plant-based products have a destructive effect on cancer cells without damaging healthy tissue. Adverse reactions are much weaker than those of anticancer drugs. And the natural stimulants and vitamins contained in the composition significantly improve a person’s well-being during intoxication.

    Recipes using the plant

    You can make a decoction of black elderberry using some additional plants. It is indicated for people with sore joints, gout and arthritis:

    1. 1. To do this, you will need to prepare 1 tablespoon each of black elderberry and chamomile inflorescences.
    2. 2. Pour the ingredients with water and bring to a boil.
    3. 3. After 5 minutes, remove the broth from the heat, allow to cool and use for compresses.
    4. 4. Bandages soaked in the broth are applied to the diseased areas.

    To prepare a syrup, which is very useful for people who often suffer from sore throats, you will need fresh ripe berries of the plant. They should be collected in early August. The syrup is easy to prepare:

    1. 1. A layer of berries should be sprinkled with sugar, followed by another layer of berries, followed by sugar. The pattern is repeated several times.
    2. 2. The components are infused for 2 months, after which the resulting liquid is drained from them.
    3. 3. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
    4. 4. Should be stored in a cool, dark place. The finished product will help raise hemoglobin levels and is even used in the treatment of certain blood diseases.

    A popular description of the recipe for jam from bush berries:

    1. 1. Fully ripened fruits are thoroughly washed and laid in layers mixed with sugar in a ratio of 7:3, respectively.
    2. 2. The ingredients are left in a cool place for a day so that the fruits release juice.
    3. 3. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, remove and leave for another day.
    4. 4. The procedure of boiling the jam and infusing it in a cool place is carried out one more time, after which it is boiled a third time for 15 minutes and poured into jars prepared in advance.

    Black elderberry inflorescences are used to make healthy and refreshing kvass in hot weather. It has a choleretic and calming effect, normalizes metabolism in the body:

    1. 1. To prepare kvass, take 3 liters of water, 2 cups of plant flowers, 1 cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of sour cream.
    2. 2. Having thoroughly mixed the components, they are left in a dark place to ferment for 3 weeks.
    3. 3. The resulting drink is consumed orally 10 minutes before meals, 300 ml.

    Red elderberry

    Red or common elderberry looks like a branched low tree with dense inflorescences consisting of small white or yellowish flowers. The ripe fruits of the plant are bright red and round in shape; the complex leaves have sharp tips. All parts of the bush are also used for medicinal purposes.

    Unlike the previous variety, this one has been poorly studied. The leaves and unripe berries of the plant contain more toxic substances than black elderberry. For this reason, products based on it should be used with great caution. And also you should not take risks and eat fresh berries in their pure form.

    Healing properties

    The chemical composition of the plant is also poorly studied, but tannins, vitamins, sugars, essential oils and organic acids were found in its fruits, flowers and leaves. It is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, restorative and laxative. It is believed that its use normalizes metabolism.

    Red elderberry has found active use in the fight against such ailments as sore throat, colds and flu, bronchial asthma, poisoning, edema and various types of nervous system disorders. The medicinal properties of the berry infusion help cope with severe coughing attacks, and the alcohol tincture is indispensable for women during the difficult period of menopause. The same tincture can be used for compresses and rubbing for arthritis and osteochondrosis.

    Recipes with red elderberry

    Tincture of red elderberry with alcohol is a real salvation for women during menopause and for people suffering from joint pain. Preparation: from

    1. 1. You should take 5 parts of diluted alcohol and 1 part of the plant inflorescences.
    2. 2. After mixing the components, they are placed in a cool place, well protected from sunlight.
    3. 3. Infuse the product for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally.
    4. 4. Women should take the prepared tincture three times a day, 30 drops.
    5. 5. For arthritis and osteochondrosis, bandages soaked in tincture are applied to the affected areas.

    Red elderberry is used in the fight against cancer. The prescription itself will not save you from the disease, but it will significantly improve a person’s condition when used along with drug treatment:

    1. 1. To perform it, you will need a 3-liter jar, which should be filled to the top with clean, ripe elderberries.
    2. 2. They are poured with a glass of cognac and infused in a cool, dark place for a week and a half.
    3. 3. After this, the berries are ground into puree, and 100 ml of birch bud tincture is added to them.
    4. 4. The resulting mixture is placed back into the jar with the remaining juice and left for 10 days.
    5. 5. The finished medicine is taken 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.
    6. 6. The course of treatment is 2 months, after which a break of 30 days should be taken.
    1. 1. Place 5 tablespoons of crushed plant roots in an enamel pan and add 1 liter of water.
    2. 2. Bring the ingredients to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
    3. 3. The finished broth is cooled and used to treat the affected skin using a cotton pad.
    4. 4. After using the product, do not wash it off. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

    The infusion recipe is widely used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and expectorant:

    1. 1. You need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed plant bark and pour 300 ml of boiling water.
    2. 2. The mixture is infused for 2–3 hours, tightly closed with a lid.
    3. 3. During the day, drink 100 ml of the strained drink three times.

    Elderberry herbaceous

    This variety of elderberry is a herbaceous plant, reaching one and a half meters in height. It differs from its previous relatives in its powerful rhizome. The inflorescences look like umbrellas and consist of small white flowers, often with a pink tint. At the same time, black berries have a sharp, unpleasant odor. The roots, leaves, flowers and fruits of the bush are used as medicinal raw materials.

    All parts of the herbaceous elderberry contain toxic substances. Using the plant for medicinal purposes requires caution and strict dosage. This variety of elderberry is used in the fight against throat diseases, cancer pathologies, inflammation in the female reproductive system, kidney diseases and arthritis.

    Benefits of the plant

    Tannins, essential oils and sugars were found in the roots of the plant. Products using elderberry roots have a diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative effect on the human body. A decoction of the leaves of the plant is effective in the fight against hemorrhoids.

    Infusions based on elderberry leaves help cope with joint damage and swelling, diabetes and dermatological problems. And the juice from the leaves of the plant has a laxative effect. Due to the toxicity of the shrub, its use in folk medicine is less common, but if the dosage is observed, it is acceptable.

    Recipes using shrubs

    To effectively combat heart failure accompanied by edema, you should prepare a tincture:

    1. 1. You will need 20 g of crushed shrub roots and 100 ml of vodka.
    2. 2. The ingredients are mixed and left for 8 days.
    3. 3. The finished product is taken orally, 30 drops 2 times a day for a whole month.

    An expectorant, diuretic and laxative effect can be achieved using the following recipe:

    1. 1. 20 g of plant inflorescences are poured with a glass of boiling water.
    2. 2. Leave the mixture for 6 hours, then filter through cheesecloth.
    3. 3. Drink the finished drink 1 tablespoon three times a day, half an hour before meals.

    Using the same method as used in the previous recipe, prepare an infusion of the berries of the plant. The application scheme is also the same. The remedy helps with diarrhea, kidney stones, rheumatism and laryngitis.

    Contraindications and harm

    Before using products based on this plant, you should pay due attention to contraindications, if ignored, elderberry can cause more harm to the body than good. There are categories of people for whom the use of the plant is prohibited. These include:

    • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
    • children under 12 years of age;
    • people with gastrointestinal diseases, including ulcerative colitis;
    • persons with disorders of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus;
    • people suffering from diabetes;
    • having individual intolerance.

    It must be remembered that the plant contains toxic substances, albeit in small quantities. An overdose can cause nausea and profuse vomiting. In children under 12 years of age, elderberry can additionally cause stool disorders and problems in the gastrointestinal tract. If you have any doubts or questions, you should consult your doctor.