What to do if your leg is sprained in the ankle area: rules of treatment depending on the severity of the ankle sprain. Treatment of foot dislocation

A sprained leg is one of the most common injuries among athletes, but people who are not involved in sports may well become patients of a traumatologist, especially in winter. The term dislocation in medicine refers to a violation of congruence (connection, adjacency to each other) of adjacent articular surfaces of bones. Often, as a result of severe damage, not only dislocation occurs, but also rupture of the joint capsule and nearby blood vessels, nerve endings. The injury causes severe pain and pathological disorder limb functions. Restoring functionality injured person is largely determined by how correctly first aid is provided and what activities are carried out in rehabilitation period.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

Any joint in the leg can be dislocated. Dislocations of the foot and ankle joint are more often diagnosed. Hip dislocation occurs rarely, mainly in road accidents or in people with birth defects joint

The dislocated bone is the one that is located distal (below) the injured joint. The degree of disruption of the bone connection can vary, so dislocations are divided into partial and complete. With partial dislocation (subluxation), slight contact between adjacent articular surfaces is maintained. When complete, the injured bones are deprived of contact with each other. Sometimes, a severe dislocation of the leg may be accompanied by a broken bone.

There are many reasons for dislocations. In practical traumatology there are three subgroups:

  • Traumatic dislocations. They arise as a result of a sharp displacement, twisting, stretching of one part of the limb in relation to another. Injury can occur from impacts and falls at work and at home.
  • Pathological dislocations. They are a secondary complication of diseases that disrupt the structure of the joint. These diseases include arthrosis, tumor formations, arthritis, pathologies of the ligamentous apparatus, a number congenital anomalies in the development of bones and ligaments.
  • Congenital dislocations. They are usually diagnosed in children in the first weeks of their life. In some cases, congenital dislocations are detected after the baby begins to walk. The causes of dislocations are birth injuries, incorrect location fetus in the uterus, developmental anomalies of the musculoskeletal system.

Types of lower limb dislocation

According to statistics, dislocations most often occur in the joints of the foot. The foot consists of 27 bones, firmly connected to each other by ligaments to form joints. It is the support of the human body, and the joints bear the main load. Conventionally, the foot skeleton is divided into three parts:

  • The forefoot consists of the balls of the feet and the phalanges of the toes.
  • Metatarsus – bones of the arch of the foot. The metatarsus contains five long bones.
  • Tarsus (posterior) – heel bones.

The ankle joint anatomically also belongs to the foot. The talus forms a single joint with the bones of the lower leg.

There are 3 surfaces in the foot - lateral (external and internal), dorsal and plantar.

Dislocations in the ankle joint

The injury is characterized by displacement of the joints of the tibia, fibula and talus relative to each other. It is popularly called a sprained ankle. There are four types of dislocation, depending on the nature of the inversion of the foot:

  • Outer. Occurs when the foot turns outward and to the side.
  • Interior. The leg turns inward, almost always combined with an ankle fracture.
  • Front. Injury occurs when the foot is abnormally dorsiflexed.
  • Rear. A dislocation occurs when the foot is forcibly bent towards the sole.

Features of subtalar foot dislocation

Subtalar foot dislocation is a simultaneous displacement of the navicular and subtalar joints. During an injury, the talus and tibia are displaced towards the calcaneus. Subtalar dislocation is typical for those situations when the victim sharply twists the outer part of the foot, that is, the sole turns towards the healthy limb. This usually occurs during jumps and falls from heights, and during vehicle accidents.

Subtalar dislocation leads to damage to the ligamentous apparatus. With internal dislocation, you can palpate the head of the talus. Pain, deformation and swelling occur in the foot area. It is impossible to lean on the injured leg.

With posterointernal subtalar dislocations, the forefoot is shortened, and rear end lengthens, which is clearly noticeable visually. The diagnosis is confirmed by radiography.

Dislocation of the subtalar joint is reduced under anesthesia.

A plaster splint is applied for up to 6 weeks.

Dislocation of the tarsal bones

The tarsus is formed by two rows of spongy bones. In the proximal row there are the talus and calcaneus, in the distal row there are the cuboid, navicular and three sphenoid bones. Together they form the Chopart joint.

Displacement of the tarsal bones occurs when the foot deviates sharply to the side, while the forefoot is usually fixed (pressed tightly). More often than not, the middle joint loses its anatomical position. The dislocation can be anterior or internal. Upon visual examination, severe deformation and increasing swelling are noted.

Dislocation in the Chopart joint leads to circulatory disorders, in the absence of medical care this can give rise to the development of gangrene.

The bones are set under anesthesia; wearing a plaster splint is recommended for 8 weeks.

Dislocation of the metatarsal bones

The five metatarsals create the Lisfranc joint. Dislocations of this part of the foot are divided into complete (all bones of the joint are displaced) and incomplete (the anatomical position of one metatarsal bone changes). Fractures are often associated with subluxation of the foot in the Lisfranc joint. The injury usually occurs due to the twisting of the foot at the front of the foot during the sudden push before the jump and during the landing after it.

Visually, the foot is shortened and widened, swelling quickly increases.

After setting the bones under anesthesia, a plaster splint is applied, which should be worn for about two months.

Clinical picture

General signs of injury:

  • Pain. Expressed painful sensations arise almost immediately at the time of injury, pain intensifies when trying to make any movement.
  • Deformation of the injured area. After damage, you can notice the protruding head of the bone coming out of the joint, unnatural bulges and depressions;
  • Swelling. Swelling begins to appear immediately after injury.
  • Leg dysfunction. When attempting to move, the pain intensifies, and the supporting function of the injured limb is lost.

If the leg turns blue at the site of injury, this indicates rupture of blood vessels. When palpating the damaged area, the skin feels hot to the touch, and the area of ​​swelling is dense.

An increase in temperature after a dislocation is a consequence of the body's reaction to shock. Usually it rises no higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius and lasts for the first two to three days. If the body temperature rises above 37.5, it is necessary to exclude infection, which is possible if there are wounds on the skin at the site of the dislocation.

Specific signs of dislocation depend on the nature of the injury; only a competent surgeon or traumatologist can determine them.


It is almost impossible to diagnose a fracture, dislocation or bruise on your own. Any limb injuries should be addressed by a doctor.

Diagnosis begins with questioning the patient. The surgeon needs to establish the circumstances of the injury, which provoked pain and deformation of the joint - a blow, a jump, large objects falling on the leg, stumbling. It is important to find out when the swelling began and whether the leg was loaded after the injury.

To clarify or confirm the diagnosis, radiography is performed. If the diagnosis is in doubt, the patient is sent for a computed tomography scan.

Treatment of dislocation

The victim needs to provide first aid and this must be done as correctly as possible, since the terms of rehabilitation largely depend on this stage.

First aid

When providing first aid, remember two rules:

  • If the shoes fit tightly to the foot and you need to make an effort to remove them, then you do not need to remove the shoes to avoid even more injury.
  • You cannot correct a suspected dislocation yourself.

First aid for a sprained leg in the ankle area is as follows:

  • We immobilize the foot using available means. If the foot is in shoes and it is impossible to remove them, then a splint is applied to the damaged area: planks are applied on both sides and carefully bandaged. The bare foot is not tightly fixed with an elastic bandage.
  • Elevate the injured leg by placing a bolster under the ankle joint. This will slow down the spread of swelling.
  • Apply an ice pack to the damaged area; if there is no ice, it can be any frozen product. Ice is applied through the tissue for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Give painkillers. You can use Analgin, Ibuprofen tablets, Paracetamol.

After providing first aid, you need to call an ambulance or take the patient to a medical facility yourself, trying to keep the damaged joint immobile.

Reduction of dislocations

Regardless of the degree of damage, a dislocated foot requires mandatory reduction. It is best to do this when the injury is still fresh. Old uncomplicated dislocations (more than three weeks have passed since the injury) are most often treated only surgically.

Reduction stages:

  • Anesthesia. It is easier to restore the structure of the joint when intravenous administration anesthesia, since the muscles relax as much as possible.
  • Directly the reduction itself.
  • Fixation. Most often, a plaster splint is applied; it is worn for 6 to 10 weeks.

Full recovery may take from two weeks to six months. The time it takes to restore joint mobility depends on the severity of the damage and how accurately all the doctor’s instructions are followed.

Surgery is prescribed for patients with leg dislocations if the injury is accompanied by open bone fractures, ruptures of ligaments and blood vessels.

Drug therapy

Specific drug treatment no dislocations. For severe pain, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Diclofenac. If the victim is a child, then painkillers are selected taking into account age.

As local treatment ointments with anti-inflammatory, decongestant and absorbable effects are used. The following ointments are suitable for this: Indovazin, Troxevasin, Finalgon, Voltaren. The plaster splint is removed before the procedure and then returned to its place.

Physiotherapeutic treatments

Physiotherapy early after joint reduction is prescribed to reduce inflammation, swelling and pain. After the splint is removed, physical therapy techniques help restore joint function. Use:

  1. Electrophoresis;
  2. Amplipulse therapy;
  3. Magnetotherapy;
  4. Myoelectric stimulation;
  5. UHF therapy.

The doctor selects the method of physiotherapy for each patient individually, taking into account contraindications.


Timely treatment of injury reduces the risk of complications to a minimum. But in some cases, a dislocated foot leads to:

  • habitual (repeated) dislocations;
  • development of concomitant pathologies – arthrosis, arthritis;
  • inflammation of the tissues surrounding the joint;
  • poor circulation, which can cause muscle atrophy.

When ligaments and tendons rupture, there is a risk that they will not heal properly, which can lead to lameness.

Rehabilitation period

After removing the plaster splint, the damaged joint must be developed. They help with this special exercises and massage. The set of classes is selected by the doctor. After foot injuries you need to wear it for several months orthopedic shoes, this reduces the likelihood of re-damage and helps to quickly fully restore lost functions.

Restoring an ankle after a sprain


A person of any age can have a dislocated foot. Compliance simple rules significantly reduces the risk of a sprained leg:

  • choose winter shoes with anti-slip soles or use special devices;
  • Women should wear heeled shoes as little as possible;
  • go down the stairs slowly, holding on to the railing.

Dislocations in the bones of the foot occur less often with a strong muscular system. Strengthening is facilitated by regular walking barefoot on sand or pebbles, lifting on toes, and picking up small objects from the floor with your toes. At home you can try to walk on the outside and inner sides soles. Of course, all exercises should be done carefully, without rushing.

A dislocation is an injury that requires treatment from a competent doctor. Lack of timely treatment can lead to complications that are difficult to treat. Therefore, if you suspect a ligament injury, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Doctors' advice on treating a sprained leg

Dislocations and sprains are the most frequent injuries that require correct diagnosis, and timely treatment. It is worth noting that sprains can always be treated at home, however, if there is any suspicion of a fracture, dislocation or rupture of ligaments, the injured person must be taken to medical institution. In most cases, sprains occur after large movements in the joints. Quite often the ligaments of the ankle joint are damaged. And sprains in most cases occur after excessive movements in the joints. The most commonly injured ligaments are the ankle joint. The symptoms that occur with sprains are appearance resemble a bruise, the patient experiences swelling, pain, hematoma, as well as severe dysfunction of the joint.

First aid for such injuries consists of tightly bandaging and applying something cold directly to the injury site. And if this is not done immediately, then in the future the patient may have weak ligaments, which leads to repeated sprain. And to speed up recovery, painkillers or anti-inflammatory medications are used with local application, this is indovazin, -gel, fastum-gel. These drugs are applied three times a day to the site of injury for 10 days. To speed up the healing of injuries, compresses and warm baths are used. Crushed aloe, which should be applied tightly to the sore spot, is great for reducing inflammation. Quite often, special shoes are used for sprains.

First aid for sprains

It is very important not to put stress on damaged ligaments. It is imperative to keep the sore joint at rest for 2-3 days immediately after receiving the injury. Then you need to gradually increase your mobility and do a light warm-up. In case of damage to leg ligaments, provide the injured joint with exalted position. And for this you need to use pillows, chairs or other available means. This situation significantly improves venous drainage blood and reduces pain. Dislocation is a displacement of the bones located in the articular joints and it occurs as a result heavy load to the joint or from impacts, but in some cases it may be accompanied by damage to the ligamentous apparatus and joint. The most common dislocations are the elbow, shoulder, hip and ankle joints.

With any dislocation, acute pain and swelling appear in the joint area, displacement of bones, changes in limb length and normal shape joint In its symptoms, a dislocation is very similar to a fracture. You cannot correct a dislocation on your own; you must fix the joint and the injured limb. And for this you will need to apply a bandage or splint. And it is advisable to attach a bag of ice or a towel soaked in water to the site of the dislocation. cold water. The victim himself must be taken to the nearest hospital for immediate reduction of the dislocation. Since inept attempts at reduction can increase the severity of the injury.

Treatment of dislocations

Necessary treatment traumatic dislocation is to eliminate it at the earliest short terms immediately after injury, hold correct position set articular bones, as well as carry out subsequent treatment, which is aimed at full recovery work of the damaged joint. The success of such actions is based on complete pain relief, which will ensure complete relaxation muscles of damaged limbs, and also creates necessary conditions for more painless manipulations completely aimed at eliminating the dislocation. The very first aid for a dislocation consists of administering painkillers, and also ensuring immobilization of the damaged limbs using a fixing bandage or transport splint.

Taking into account the localization and degree of mutual displacement of all articular ends of the bones, as well as using all medications, the doctor conducts conduction, local or general anesthesia. Even for dislocations of the forearm, shoulder, foot and phalanges of the fingers, ankle joint, patella, an excellent pain reliever is prescribed in the form of local anesthetics or conduction anesthesia is performed. Old dislocations can be reduced only under anesthesia. All irreparable ones can only be eliminated surgically.

In medical practice, there are many ways to manually reduce dislocations of different locations, but with good effective anesthesia and muscle relaxation, the selection of a method for eliminating dislocations is not particularly important. The doctor performs the reduction slowly and avoids jerks and sudden movements. At the time of reduction of the dislocation, in most cases a characteristic click is heard. And immediately after eliminating the dislocations, all normal contours are restored, as well as passive mobility in the joint, and spring resistance completely disappears. And after the dislocation has been reduced, immobilization of the entire damaged segment of the limb will be required before the damaged joint capsule has completely healed.

A dislocation is a displacement of the end sections of a bone beyond their physiological location.

Foot dislocation is a concept that includes the displacement of any of the 26 bones included in the bony skeleton feet.

Often the injury is accompanied by open or closed fracture bones and ligament rupture. The foot dislocates inwards, outwards, anteriorly, backwards or upwards.

Foot structure

The foot has a complex structure associated with the performance of an important function - it is a supporting and springy link lower limb, providing:

  • static vertical position;
  • walking;
  • jumping.

The foot is divided into four sections:

  1. At the back there is a massive calcaneus, taking on the weight of the body. Traditionally, it is classified as a tarsus, but is located posterior to the ankle joint.
  2. On the border with the ankle joint there is a tarsus - several short bones, tightly adjacent to each other with congruent surfaces. They are firmly connected by strong bonds, like the masonry of a bridge. Their task is to form a longitudinal arch, which facilitates springy movements when walking. Their common transverse joint near the ankle is called the joint or "key" of Shoppar.
  3. The next section is the metatarsus. It is represented by fan-shaped diverging tubular bones, increasing the area of ​​support with each step. The ligaments between the metatarsus and tarsus form the transverse Lisfranc key.
  4. The bony skeleton of the foot is completed by the phalanges of the fingers. This is the most mobile department. Its function is to provide a pronounced push when walking, jumping and running.

When excessive mechanical stress occurs, the sole of the foot is injured, usually along the Shoppart and Lisfranc lines or in the ankle.

Main symptoms

Main symptom foot dislocation - sharp pain that intensifies when you try to step on the sore leg. It is accompanied by other signs of dislocation - deformation as a result severe swelling, hematomas (bruises) and general cyanosis as a result of damage to the vascular network.

Some departments have independent symptoms:

If your foot is swollen as a result of an injury, it is advisable to consult a traumatologist even with minor swelling. This will help avoid development habitual dislocation.

Types of this injury

Based on etiology, displacements are distinguished between congenital, traumatic and pathological (as a result of inflammatory-dystrophic processes, for example, in tuberculosis).

Depending on the location, there are dislocations:

  • in the ankle;
  • the talus (one of the tarsal bones that articulates with the distal ends of the tibia bones);
  • subtalar foot dislocation;
  • in the Shoppart and Lisfranc lines;
  • fingers.

Depending on the vector of the force that caused the leg injury, the foot moves in different directions. As a result, there are:

Type of dislocation Manifestation Type of pathological effect
Outer Lateral twisting outward with fracture of the lateral malleolus Body weight pressure when walking on uneven surfaces
Interior Lateral displacement inward with fracture of the medial malleolus
Front Deviation of the foot towards the upper (dorsal) surface Strong impact on the lower leg from behind
Rear Deviation of the foot towards the lower surface A sharp blow to the shin from the front
Upper The bend of the foot in anterior section Jumping from heights
Phalanges of fingers Curvature Direct blow to the metatarsus and toes

By clinical manifestations dislocations are distinguished:

  • Stage I - subluxation of the foot,
  • Stage 2 - incomplete,
  • 3rd stage - complete,
  • habitual.

Complete displacement is uncommon. It is necessarily combined with ligament rupture and fractures of the bones of the foot and ankles - intra-articular and extra-articular.

Not complete dislocation accompanied by partial rupture ligaments on only one side of the joint.

Subluxation is an incomplete displacement of the articular head without rupture of the ligaments.

Recurrences of foot dislocation due to a rupture or sprain of the ligaments are called habitual.


Such injuries occur as a result of:

  1. Natural weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.
  2. Sprains and unnatural position of the foot bones when wearing shoes on high heels.
  3. Flat feet.
  4. Overweight.
  5. Carrying heavy weights in the hands, especially with uneven load.
  6. Wrestling and some sports.

There are also objective reasons - forced walking on a surface with imperfections (poor asphalt surface, uneven slippery floor), road accidents.


Foot dislocation

Diagnostic methods

The amount of assistance for bone displacement depends on the type of injury. The doctor clarifies the circumstances of the deformity, examines and carefully palpates the limb.

The diagnosis is made after radiography in two mutually perpendicular projections.

This helps to identify fractures and cracks in bones and assess the degree of their displacement. In difficult cases, CT or MRI are used. The ultrasound method allows you to thoroughly study the condition of damaged ligaments and soft tissues. After the location has been clarified, the question of what to do in case of a dislocated foot is resolved.

First aid

Trying to straighten the foot on your own is strictly prohibited due to the risk of aggravating the accompanying fracture. You should not attempt to move your leg in the sore joint.

It is necessary to provide first aid for a sprained foot:

  1. Convenient to seat.
  2. IN winter time There is no need to take off your shoes to avoid frostbite on your injured foot.
  3. It is necessary to immobilize the foot using available means - apply a tight flat object(plywood), suitable in size, and secure tightly with a bandage or strip of fabric without changing position injured organ.
  4. Apply a cold compress for 10 minutes and repeat the procedure after half an hour.
  5. Give a painkiller.
  6. Arrange delivery to a medical facility.

Treatment methods

The traumatologist studies the symptoms and decides how to treat the dislocated foot: conservatively and surgically. In the first case, the dislocation is reduced by installing articular surfaces to the correct anatomical position. Reduction of fresh foot dislocations is carried out under general or local anesthesia. Sometimes muscle relaxants are used to facilitate manipulation.

The doctor applies a splint - a plaster splint that, like a bed, protects and supports the diseased limb without enveloping it completely. It is bandaged loosely enough so as not to disrupt blood circulation in the swollen foot. As the swelling subsides, the splint is strengthened more tightly with a circular bandage.

It is forbidden to step on the injured leg after the dislocation has been reduced due to the risk of re-displacement of the bones. Immobilization period is 2-3 months. In case of injury to the metatarsus and tarsus, it is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes for a year. In case of multiple or open fractures, with strong displacement of bone fragments, surgery: reposition and restoration of torn ligaments.

Drug therapy

In the first few days after the incident, the patient is prescribed painkillers.

To strengthen sprained ligaments and restore the cartilaginous surfaces of bones, Chondroitin is prescribed for 2-3 weeks:

  • in capsules - up to 1 g per day;
  • in the form of an ointment - rubbing in the morning and evening.

Efkamon rubbing product improves blood circulation, helps reduce swelling and pain.

Aqueous solutions anti-inflammatory and antiseptic Dimexide is used as compresses.


After removing the splint, the patient is prescribed massage, physical therapy to develop the joint, and physiotherapeutic procedures:

  1. Thermal treatment with paraffin or ozokerite to stimulate regeneration (restoration) processes.
  2. DDT (diadynamic therapy) - to relieve swelling and restore sensitivity of the damaged area.
  3. Electrophoresis with anesthetics and potassium iodide, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Therapeutic foot baths.

Folk remedies and recipes

If there is no open fracture at the site of the injury, then before transporting the patient to the doctor, you can apply a cold compress to prevent swelling. All other folk remedies can be used only after medical care has been provided in consultation with the attending physician.

Treatment of foot dislocation is carried out using plant materials:

  1. A compress of crushed wormwood leaves is applied in the morning and evening for two hours.
  2. A compress of grated potatoes relieves swelling.
  3. Onion gruel - one onion is ground with a teaspoon of granulated sugar, the gruel is wrapped in cloth and applied three times a day for two hours.
  4. Onion tincture with honey - for muscle recovery and skin.
  5. Infusion of elecampane - 2 tablespoons of the plant are steamed with a glass of boiling water and lotions are made.
  6. Flatbread made from flour and table vinegar, which is applied for two hours and wrapped in woolen cloth, reduces swelling and bruising.
  7. White or blue clay- relieves swelling and pain.
  8. Blend of lavender and sunflower oil 1:5 - for pain relief, gently rub into the skin of the damaged area.
  9. Warm foot baths from sea salt or chamomile decoction with the addition of two drops of iodine.
  10. Iodine mesh- to relieve inflammation and swelling.

Recovery speed normal functions depends on the severity of the damage.

Although a dislocated leg is a fairly common injury, it cannot be classified as a minor injury, since it can a long period rid a person of the opportunity to engage everyday affairs. You can get such an injury at any time: at home, at work, during sports activities, and even just walking on the sidewalk during rain or ice.

Not a single person is immune from getting a dislocation of the lower limb. The ankle joint is most commonly sprained, but both the knee and hip joints can be injured, although such injuries are less common.

To distinguish a dislocated limb from a fracture and return to Everyday life After receiving an injury, it is important to correctly provide first aid when a leg is twisted and quickly transport the victim to a medical facility.

This article will provide complete information about lower limb dislocations in general and what to do first in the event of such injuries.

What is a dislocation?

WITH medical point In terms of vision, a dislocation is an injury caused most often by a sharp mechanical impact on a joint, during which the bones forming the joint are displaced relative to each other. If complete dislocation occurs, the bone elements of the joint cease to touch, but if there is partial contact, subluxation or incomplete dislocation of the joint is diagnosed.

Very often a dislocation is accompanied by a rupture joint capsule or ligaments, which leads to severe hemorrhage at the site of injury.


Most often similar injuries occur in the ankle joint, accounting for about 2% of all recorded dislocations. Since the foot consists of 26 bones, there are several types of twisted legs in this area, each of which has its own symptoms and treatment methods:

  • external ankle dislocation. Thus, a leg can be dislocated by internal or external twisting of the foot. In the first case, a fracture is usually diagnosed, and in the second, a sprain;
  • posterior dislocation can occur due to a strong blow to ankle joint or when it is sharply bent;
  • anterior dislocation occurs due to sharp bending of the leg in any direction, as well as when the shin is hit from behind;
  • Rolling of the foot occurs most rarely and is most often caused by a fall from a height.

Knee dislocation is very rare because it is a very strong joint surrounded by a dense network of ligaments. If you dislocate your leg at the knee joint, most likely the cause was a serious accident on the road or a fall from a height.

The same reasons can cause dislocation of the hip joint. When there is a strong and sharp bend of the hip inward, a posterior dislocation of the hip joint is diagnosed, which is the most common. Anterior localization of injury in this joint can be caused by a sharp abduction of the leg to the side and a fall from a height. Hip dislocation can be congenital; it is caused by intrauterine pathologies of the fetus.


  • Dislocations of the lower limb, regardless of location, have common symptoms:
  • when injured, the victim may hear a crunching or clicking sound; feels strong and sharp pain
  • , especially during attempts to move a limb;
  • the patient's motor activity decreases and it is very painful for him to step on his foot;
  • swelling develops in the area of ​​the affected joint, which rapidly increases in size;
  • body temperature rises locally;
  • bruising in the form of blue or red spots may occur in the affected area;

visually the joint looks deformed.

Since this is a nonspecific symptomatology, it is characteristic not only of a dislocation, but also of a fracture, you should seek medical help immediately after receiving an injury.

First aid for a sprained leg The main slogan when providing first aid to patients with a dislocation of the lower limb is “Do no harm!”, since inept first aid

can provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition, including injury, leading to disability.

If you suspect a dislocation, you should never push the elements of the joint back into place on your own; you should also not jerk your leg and try to return the bones to their normal position. Reduction can be done exclusively by a professional chiropractor or traumatologist after a series of diagnostic procedures. First aid for a sprained leg, which you can provide yourself before the doctor arrives, is to apply a cold compress to the affected area. It could be a bottle with cold water , bubble or ice pack, on extreme case

The injured limb can be very painful, so the victim may need pain relief; they can use analgin or any other mild analgesic. The sprained leg should not be moved, much less stepped on it; if possible, the patient should be provided with the most calm conditions possible. If there is a severe dislocation, the limb must be fixed in a forced position using available means, this can be an elastic or simple bandage or even a scarf. Placed on the leg tight bandage

, but without squeezing, in order to prevent circulatory problems in the limb. The injured leg should be placed on a raised surface with a pillow or any other soft object underneath it. IN mandatory

you need to call an ambulance or take your own transport to the emergency room to receive qualified assistance.

Why is a dislocation dangerous? At home, without examining a traumatologist, it is not worth treating a sprained leg, since the injury can become chronic, and the functionality of the joint is lost, and the person long time can't go back to.

normal life During dislocation of the joints of the lower limb, the joint capsule filled with synovial fluid

. When this bag ruptures, hemorrhage occurs, which is accompanied by the formation of a hematoma at the site of the lesion. The spillage of the contents of the joint capsule causes severe pain and the development of an inflammatory process, and tissue rupture provokes the formation of a scar, which can only be eliminated surgically. If the dislocation goes into chronic form

, a person begins to feel discomfort even in familiar living conditions, he cannot lead an active lifestyle and at the same time he feels a certain discomfort and even pain while walking.

Treatment In order to assess the severity of the injury and determine how to treat a patient with a dislocation, the traumatologist initially examines the affected limb and studies x-rays . In each specific case, treatment is selected individually, and its duration is also determined based on the severity of the injury. But at the first stage, the doctor under local or general anesthesia

sets the joint. If there is a rupture of the ligaments or joint capsule, the traumatologist may decide whether it is necessary surgical intervention

After surgery, a cast is placed on the leg. When the cast is removed, a fairly long period of rehabilitation begins, the main goal of which is to return the lower limb to its original functionality.

It is important that the foot is in initial period rehabilitation after dislocation most was suspended for a while at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the floor surface.

This can be achieved by placing cushions under it. You can lean on the injured leg no earlier than the attending physician allows, and this should be done gradually.

Since a dislocation causes a person to be forced into a sedentary state, it is imperative to reduce the calorie content of the diet; the menu should be dominated by easily digestible food, consisting of vegetables and boiled meat. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a course physical therapy to prevent muscle atrophy and normalize blood circulation. To improve muscle function and enhance metabolism in tissues, as well as to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, massage is prescribed. A course of physiotherapeutic procedures will help cope with pain and relieve swelling, and also prevent the development of the inflammatory process in the tissues. To alleviate the condition, the doctor may also prescribe the patient to rub ointments and take medications that strengthen ligaments and joints. In rare cases, orthopedic shoes are prescribed.

Used in the treatment of dislocation and recipes traditional medicine,but their use is possible only after the joint has been realigned and only with the permission of the attending physician:

  • A compress from the infusion, which is prepared based on bryonia root, will help speed up the healing process. A piece of linen is moistened with this medicine and applied to the affected area;
  • you can relieve the pain fresh leaves wormwood, which is carefully crushed and applied to the damaged joint;
  • to relieve inflammation in the joint area, you need to drink a decoction of comfrey root, arnica, green bean leaves and lingonberry leaves. The listed components are boiled in a water bath and infused for 30 minutes. The drug is taken before meals;
  • for elimination discomfort and to speed up the healing process for a sprained foot, you can make warm foot baths with the addition of pine decoction or infusion of walnut leaves.


It is quite difficult to protect yourself from dislocation of the lower limb, since only the person who has already had similar injuries in the past and understands their seriousness begins to behave carefully.

It is important to remember that such injuries are dangerous due to the possibility of chronicity and the occurrence of problems with motor activity for life, which means, if possible, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • in winter you need to wear comfortable, stable shoes with non-slip soles;
  • if a woman wears high-heeled shoes, her gait should be leisurely, and she should pay attention to the road in front of her;
  • there is no need to try to catch up with a person or vehicle while running, especially for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are far from sports;
  • when going down the steps, you need to hold on to the handrails and look at your feet;
  • no need to jump from high places; in everyday life, such an injury can be obtained by jumping from a railway platform;
  • during sports activities you need to wear comfortable shoes specialized for the sport;
  • to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus and bone tissue you need to eat foods with high content calcium, you can additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes.

To as soon as possible To return to normal life after a dislocation of the lower limb, you need to seek help from a doctor immediately after receiving the injury.

A dislocated leg is a general concept that implies injury to the limbs (legs), namely, displacement of the joint, as well as rupture of ligaments. In medicine, there are three types of dislocations:

  • sprained ankle or foot– one of the most common types of dislocations;
  • damage to the knee joint (tibia)– common among people involved in sports;
  • hip dislocation– occurs much less frequently than the previous ones, but is the most severe form dislocation.

It happens during an accident, and is also a congenital pathology. However, modern medicine successfully treats all types of dislocations, fractures and sprains. Often, unconscious actions and lack of necessary measures precautions on the part of citizens.

Yes, a dislocation is not cancer or pneumonia, but if you neglect your health, a rather unpredictable outcome is possible, which can lead to chronic stage and ruin a person’s life, depriving him of the opportunity for an active lifestyle and joys available to healthy people. We will talk about the characteristics, causes and treatment of dislocations in this article.

What are the dangers and consequences of dislocation

A dislocation is nothing more than damage to a joint. There is fluid in the joint, which, due to injury when the joint capsule ruptures, forms a hematoma. Over time, the hematoma causes an inflammatory process. Due to the rupture of joint tissue, a scar can form, which can only be eliminated through surgery. Thus, a seemingly insignificant sore can develop and progress to more severe stages.

Symptoms of a sprained leg

Symptoms are divided into two types: universal and specific.

The universal ones include:

  1. Pain at the site of the leg injury, which can often intensify with movement and walking.
  2. The inability to take a certain position of the leg, as this increases the pain. IN in some cases Changing the position of the leg does not reduce pain. This happens with severe dislocations.
  3. Joint swelling appears immediately after injury. If the swelling increases very quickly, this indicates that a complication such as hemarthrosis has appeared - profuse bleeding to the affected area.
  4. Inability to step on and lean on the damaged area of ​​the leg.
  5. Changes in joints in the injured area. Often these are bulges formed due to injury.
  6. The appearance of unidentified red spots in the area of ​​the dislocation.

Reveal specific symptoms Only a doctor can do this.

Important! The symptoms of a dislocated leg are very similar to a fracture, so only a specialist can draw the necessary conclusions and make a diagnosis using x-rays.

Therefore, self-medication is strictly forbidden. The difference between a sprain and a sprain is that during a sprain, the leg is in one position.

Redness, blue discoloration, or swelling form around the damaged area, which symbolize the fact of dislocation. The difference from a fracture is that with a fracture, the deformation of the leg structure is clearly visible. This does not happen with a dislocation.

Since this is a nonspecific symptomatology, it is characteristic not only of a dislocation, but also of a fracture, you should seek medical help immediately after receiving an injury.

The most important rule when dealing with a dislocation is not to try to do anything on your own, but to seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

It is necessary to provide the victim with moral support and find the most suitable position to reduce pain. If necessary, apply a cold object to the affected part of the body and tighten the bandage. Afterwards, it is necessary to accompany the victim to the emergency room.

Classification of dislocations

There are four main types:

  • outer;
  • rear;
  • front;
  • upper.

Outer involves turning the foot inward or outward. Turning inward is more often a fracture, turning outward is possibly a sprain.

Rear means ankle injury, as well as ankle flexion.

Front represents the rotation of the limb to the sides. The same situation occurs with a shin injury on the back side.

Upper occurs extremely rarely, mainly when a person falls unsuccessfully from a height.

Where do dislocations or types of injuries come from?

Dislocation can occur in three cases:

  • trauma (industrial, household, sports) - with impacts, stretching, displacement, involuntary flexion of a limb, dislocation can occur;

  • pathology - with a defect in the joints, any minor load can lead to a full-fledged dislocation. For example, with a normal jump, which healthy person will not cause any complications. Diseases preceding pathological dislocation: arthritis, pathological changes joints, arthrosis, tumor formations;
  • trauma at birth - often caused by incorrect position embryo in the womb, resulting in damage to the hip joint in the baby immediately after birth.

What to do if your leg is sprained?

If you sprain your leg, you should immediately seek medical help.

How to treat a sprained leg?

After examining the doctor and determining the severity of the dislocation (as well as excluding a fracture of the limb), the treatment stage begins. Treatment occurs independently, at home. The main thing to keep in mind is that the dislocated limb must be motionless and in a relaxed position. To do this, you can sit in a chair and place your sore leg on an ottoman or stool, thereby fixing it in the desired position.

Treatment also involves the use of a variety of gels and ointments, which the doctor will prescribe. They need to regularly treat the damaged area. It is also recommended to apply ice to accelerate the removal of tumors and edema. Keep the ice on for fifteen minutes every day and the tumors will go away faster.

The area of ​​injury can be bandaged, but not tightly, so as not to block the flow of blood to the dislocated part of the limb.

Important! For any category of dislocation, the limb should not be subjected to natural loads that it can withstand during normal functioning.

It is strongly recommended to ensure maximum comfort of the foot, that is, if possible, do not step on it or turn it unnecessarily. Acute pain will remind you of this. In case of complications, the attending physician may recommend the application of a cast. This procedure ensures a fixed position of the dislocated part, which, in turn, reduces the risk of getting a new injury.

With the exception of birth defects in the hip part, traumatic variants can be prevented if the necessary care is exercised.

  1. One of the main rules is to always look under your feet, as there are often many objects and bumps on the way, which we often trip over and hit when walking. We advise women wearing high-heeled shoes to be especially careful.
  2. In winter it is very important element safety will be the non-slip sole, with which you will stand confidently on your feet. Do not run on ice under any circumstances and try to move around the ice.
  3. Limit jumping to the ground even from a small height; it is better to walk around and find a ladder. If there is no ladder and a jump is inevitable, try not to jump, but to get down (do not jump while standing, try to sit down, then jump). Do not jump from railway platforms, high curbs, or go down steep slopes. All this can be circumvented and avoided in most cases.
  4. Do not run on stairs or uneven surfaces, and do not try to save time. When going up or down stairs, hold on to the railings and try to look at your feet.
  1. When playing sports, follow safety precautions. This will help save a lot of time on treatment. It will also save your nerves and morale.

Important! Although a sprained leg may seem like a minor injury, it is actually a very unpleasant and painful illness.

The advice above seems too obvious and even somewhat naive, but people who have experienced a dislocation at least once become much more careful and do not take unnecessary risks. It's no secret that human body- a rather fragile substance, and therefore you should not neglect precautions once again.

It would seem that a comic injury can give rise to complications that will lead to chronic diseases, and in the worst case, lead to disability. Don’t ignore the advice and take care of your health, which you can’t buy!


A dislocation of any complexity can be treated, as it is not an irreparable injury. A dislocation does not produce the same painful effect as, for example, a fracture, but it also causes a lot of discomfort to the person who is injured. In conclusion, I would like to say, based on what was described above: trust your health only to professionals, that is, people who have the appropriate education and the necessary skills.

Do not let friends, wives, parents and just random passers-by adjust, move, pull anything, and so on. Only first aid described above is possible from loved ones. Any surgical interventions take place only in medical institution using special painkillers. The consequences of amateurish actions can be very sad.

Also, do not take any medications unless directed by a healthcare professional. If you have a sprain or suspect a sprain, seek immediate medical attention. qualified help. Don’t tempt fate, remember a simple rule: delay is like death. Follow these instructions and stay healthy! Your life is in your hands!