What role does Zemfira play in motivating his betrayal? The history of the poem Gypsies. Conflict of the poem Gypsies

poetic... THE MOON Like the full moon at times, \ Covered by the clouds of the night, \ It will suddenly pierce the thick darkness \ And it will shine in the eyes of travelers - \ So the leader will, through the darkness of times, \ Shine for future tribes; \ But the warrior’s feat is gigantic\ ​​And the shame of the enemies he slain\ In the court of the mind, in the court of centuries -\ 60 Nothing before civil valor. Kondraty Ryleev 1823 CIVIL COURAGE\Ode to the MOON I love the evening luminary,\When it, having curled its wing,\Having fulfilled the day, in the damp haze\It rested like a bloody ball. \ But if in the morning\ It followed the young morning\ Above the amazed earth\ Floated up in the evening crimson? . Nestor the Puppeteer 1837 FROM A LOVER'S NOTES\ Eh, friends, that's enough! What a joy MOON The moon is at its zenith. \On a poor street\ I walk quietly. ESA BUSON. TRANSLATION BY V. MARKOVA THE MOON So the new moon rises over Alexandria, hugging the old one with both hands, and we walk through the darkness of our hearts to the Gate of the Sun - there were three of us, three friends. \ Who now wants to bathe in the waters of Proteus? \ We were looking for metamorphoses in our distant youth, \ in that passion that fought like a huge fish \ in a suddenly dry sea - we believed \ that we were omnipotent. YORGOS SEFERIS. Translation by E. Kolesov June days 1941 THE MOON High, silent\ Above the bloody field\ The moon shines; Apollo Maykov 1873 COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES\VALKYRIES MOON The horses are dozing near the carts. \ Sounding cold. Silence. \ The midnight moon imperiously leads you into a deep sleep. Valentin Kataev 1920 Like ice in the polar sea, THE MOON Under the cold moon\ Bare grove - and suddenly bamboo,\ Three green trunks. ESA BUSON. TRANSLATION BY T. L. SOKOLOVA-DELUSINA THE MOON Through the smoky clouds the moon,\ Foggy, looked,\ And everything seemed, she\ As if she was regretting something. Nikolai Ogarev 1839 On a late walk I saw the MOON “Give me, give me” -\ Crying, the child pulls his arms\ To the bright moon. Issa Kobayashi. Translation by T. Sokolova-Delyusina. Haiku\From the book “Ora ga Haru” (“My Spring”) THE MOON He was unable to distinguish\Where is the dream, where is reality, where is reality, where is the dream,\And he rose, and from the window\The full moon was looking out. Walter Scott. Translation by P. Karp HUNTING MOON Red moon! \ Who owns it, children, \ Give me the answer! Issa Kobayashi. Translation by Vera Markova Hokku\From the book “Ora ga Haru” (“My Spring”) MOON The moon shines like a distant fire; \ The wind shakes the tops of the plane trees; \\ The leaves of the plane trees rustle restlessly; \ The neighbor's fierce dogs are grumbling. Yakov Polonsky 1849 AGBAR MOON You and me, you and I - together -\ The power of the full moon! \My strength plays on you, \Your strength rejoices in me; \ The height of honey drips down to the ground, \ Pink stems are sprouting... \ The power of the full moon! Mikhail Kuzmin 1923 Doors painted with blue paint,


14.3. Motives for betrayal

O. Loseva (1990) notes differences in the motivations for cheating between men and women. Men most often explain this by a sexual need that is not associated with the emotional aspects of communication and is therefore satisfied in one third of cases with random, unfamiliar partners or (in a quarter of all cases) through short-term, “fleeting” connections with long-time acquaintances, co-workers, and wives of friends. These connections are facilitated by alcohol intoxication, the wife leaving on a business trip or vacation, a quarrel with the wife, etc. Other reasons cited include dissatisfaction with the marriage, love for another woman, and curiosity.

Reasons that lead to a man cheating

1. Hormones that make men men are to blame for all infidelity.

2. The culprit is the opinion, by the way, which is very widespread and shared by most men, namely that a short-term sexual relationship on the side is not treason. This is an affair that only confirms their own masculinity in their eyes.

3. The stereotypes of behavior that the boy receives in the family are to blame. Most often, men then build their family life according to the patterns that are fixed in their childhood memory.

4. A bad example of parents, for whom fidelity is not the most important value of a man’s life.

5. For some men, cheating is a way to assert themselves. He is unlucky in his career, he fails to buy a prestigious car, so he is trying to prove to himself that in bed he is a lion and a tiger, no matter what you look for - not a single woman can refuse him...

6. After the death of his parents, a man feels lonely. To isolate himself from grief, he seeks consolation in love. He just craves hugs and loving caresses. It’s bad if his wife doesn’t understand and support him. In such a state of mind, a man is more ready than ever for betrayal.

7. Women are to blame, for whom a wedding ring on a man’s finger is not a taboo.

8. Wives are to blame for not paying the necessary attention to sexual relations with their husbands.

Ripinskaya M. 2001. pp. 45–46

Why do men cheat on their wives?

One of the main problems of marriage is the mismatch between the desires and needs of the spouses. Already in the second year of marriage, many wives discover less interest in sexual intimacy than their husbands, which causes a feeling of dissatisfaction in the latter. Subsequently, the spouses establish some kind of mutually acceptable rhythm, but not everyone succeeds and not always. More than half of married Czech men and women admitted that sexual contacts do not bring them complete satisfaction. Moreover, husbands complained about the lack of desire in their wives, and wives complained about the purely physiological, everyday approach of husbands who did not want to enrich sexual relationships.

The decline in sexual activity in marriage is facilitated by the routinization of marital relationships, which become monotonous and boring under the influence of unfavorable social circumstances, fatigue, overload with work and worries, as well as the poverty of the sexual repertoire, which prevents the introduction of a fresh stream into marital relationships. Some people try to compensate for the decrease in sexual activity in marriage by masturbation or parallel extramarital affairs.

Many spouses have little knowledge of the level of sexual satisfaction of their partners and do not even try to understand them. The discrepancy between sexual and erotic desires and needs, which should be the subject of clarification and negotiation, is often considered a manifestation of organic “sexual incompatibility”, the only way out of which is divorce.

Orlov K. Gray hair in the beard, demon in the rib // Based on Internet materials

The heterochronicity of the attenuation of sexual desire in men and women is also important. More than half of men and women essentially stop having sex at around age 60, but about 15% continue it even after age 80. The criteria for sexual satisfaction among older men and women often differ. Thus, over 80% of married Finns from 50 to 70 years old found their last sexual intercourse quite pleasant; among women, the pleasure from coitus sharply decreases after 44 years.

According to one study conducted in Russia, more than a third of married women aged 45 to 55 stopped all sexual activity, even though their husbands still demanded it. They complained of numerous sexual ailments, did not experience any sexual desire and were never able to orgasm; 7% of women reported that they still retained desire and the ability to orgasm, although less so than in their younger years, and that they still had intercourse about once or twice a month. The remaining women behaved sexually indifferent and performed coitus without experiencing pleasure, more out of a sense of marital duty and so as not to upset their husbands.

If we consider individual components of the sexual scenario, it turns out that sexual desire in men remains almost throughout life, right up to old age, although its strength and degree of realization decrease with age. For many women, it weakens or disappears much earlier.

However, there are other data. A sociological survey was conducted in New York with the participation of more than 165 thousand respondents. Based on its results, it was found that many women who are over 55 years old still have a strong interest in sex.

About 15% of women over 70 and 53% over 55 reported that sex remains an important part of their lives. Many older women express an interest in sex because they either do not have a partner or do not have sexual desire. However, some respondents live quite calmly without sex: they are not interested in sex, but nevertheless, many are either looking for a partner, or have already found one and don’t need anyone else.

In separate private conversations with interviewers, several women reported that they had met partners in their 50s or 60s and were enjoying their sex lives. And one lady, who is over 70, said that it was her new partner who revived her interest in sex. Another interviewee said that if her husband were to seek treatment for his sexuality, she would like to have a more active sex life.

Sexual relationships do not necessarily mean just intercourse, and many older people view them as a very important part of their intimate lives: “Sex may not happen as often as it does for twenty-somethings, but it is still very important,” many respondents said.

The researchers concluded that women over 70 years old are more interested in sex than those between 55 and 69 years old. Most likely, this is due to the fact that younger American women are constantly busy caring for their families and thinking about paying off loans, while older ones have already resolved most of their everyday problems and are ready to re-immerse themselves in the world of sex.

Anecdote on topic

A sexologist asks a married couple how often they have sex. The wife answers: “All the time - three times a week.” Husband: “Almost never - three times a week.”

For women, among the reasons for cheating, the first place is dissatisfaction with marriage, although approximately a third of women cheat even in the absence of this reason; 25% of women said that having affairs on the side diversifies family life, and 18% said that they could not imagine life without affairs.

For women, cheating is more associated with emotional relationships: dissatisfied in marriage, they seek serious affection in extramarital relationships.

Reasons why women rush into the arms of lovers

1. The earlier a girl gets married, the greater the chance that the feeling that brought her to the registry office will gradually begin to fade away. And this will certainly be followed by betrayal.

2. Psychologically, a woman is ready for betrayal if her marriage is not going well. At the same time, she is not at all looking for connections on the side, as is commonly thought, but is only filling the missing psychological gap.

3. The desire to test herself and prove to herself that she is still capable of much.

4. If a woman is already aged, then the desire to prove to herself that she is still “ho-ho” and that she doesn’t care about old age. In this case, as a rule, her lover will be much younger than her husband.

5. It happens that a woman is prompted to enter into a sexual relationship not by “mad desire”, but by the fact that her “gentleman” persistently harasses her. And she goes to the rendezvous according to the principle “it’s easier to give in than to explain why you don’t want anything.”

6. Sometimes the reason is curiosity. A woman can get carried away with flirting or coquetry.

7. A woman is looking for an ideal lover. And this is not necessarily a superman in bed. It is enough if he is simply soft, gentle, delicate and knows how to empathize. Many even super-active women will prefer these qualities of a lover to all the delights of desperate Don Juans.

8. For most women, a lover is a “step of desperation.” It would be good if men realized this.

9. Sometimes a woman decides to have a lover in order to take revenge on her cheating husband.

10. If a woman cheated on her husband once, she will cheat again and again...

11. Some husbands are satisfied when their wife has (or may have) a lover. Is it because then they feel free?

12. There is another reason for cheating: a woman simply “cannot control herself.” Almost every unfamiliar man seems to her like some kind of superman. And she wants to see this for herself. In bed, of course. True, sex therapists view this as a kind of deviation from the norm. Perhaps the woman is simply a nymphomaniac?

Ripinskaya M. 2001. pp. 97–98

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poetic... THE MOON Like the full moon at times, \ Covered by the clouds of the night, \ It will suddenly pierce the thick darkness \ And it will shine in the eyes of travelers - \ So the leader will, through the darkness of times, \ Shine for future tribes; \ But the warrior’s feat is gigantic\ ​​And the shame of the enemies he slain\ In the court of the mind, in the court of centuries -\ 60 Nothing before civil valor. Kondraty Ryleev 1823 CIVIL COURAGE\Ode to the MOON I love the evening luminary,\When it, having curled its wing,\Having fulfilled the day, in the damp haze\It rested like a bloody ball. \ But if in the morning\ It followed the young morning\ Above the amazed earth\ Floated up in the evening crimson? . Nestor the Puppeteer 1837 FROM A LOVER'S NOTES\ Eh, friends, that's enough! What a joy MOON The moon is at its zenith. \On a poor street\ I walk quietly. ESA BUSON. TRANSLATION BY V. MARKOVA THE MOON So the new moon rises over Alexandria, hugging the old one with both hands, and we walk through the darkness of our hearts to the Gate of the Sun - there were three of us, three friends. \ Who now wants to bathe in the waters of Proteus? \ We were looking for metamorphoses in our distant youth, \ in that passion that fought like a huge fish \ in a suddenly dry sea - we believed \ that we were omnipotent. YORGOS SEFERIS. Translation by E. Kolesov June days 1941 THE MOON High, silent\ Above the bloody field\ The moon shines; Apollo Maykov 1873 COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES\VALKYRIES MOON The horses are dozing near the carts. \ Sounding cold. Silence. \ The midnight moon imperiously leads you into a deep sleep. Valentin Kataev 1920 Like ice in the polar sea, THE MOON Under the cold moon\ Bare grove - and suddenly bamboo,\ Three green trunks. ESA BUSON. TRANSLATION BY T. L. SOKOLOVA-DELUSINA THE MOON Through the smoky clouds the moon,\ Foggy, looked,\ And everything seemed, she\ As if she was regretting something. Nikolai Ogarev 1839 On a late walk I saw the MOON “Give me, give me” -\ Crying, the child pulls his arms\ To the bright moon. Issa Kobayashi. Translation by T. Sokolova-Delyusina. Haiku\From the book “Ora ga Haru” (“My Spring”) THE MOON He was unable to distinguish\Where is the dream, where is reality, where is reality, where is the dream,\And he rose, and from the window\The full moon was looking out. Walter Scott. Translation by P. Karp HUNTING MOON Red moon! \ Who owns it, children, \ Give me the answer! Issa Kobayashi. Translation by Vera Markova Hokku\From the book “Ora ga Haru” (“My Spring”) MOON The moon shines like a distant fire; \ The wind shakes the tops of the plane trees; \\ The leaves of the plane trees rustle restlessly; \ The neighbor's fierce dogs are grumbling. Yakov Polonsky 1849 AGBAR MOON You and me, you and I - together -\ The power of the full moon! \My strength plays on you, \Your strength rejoices in me; \ The height of honey drips down to the ground, \ Pink stems are sprouting... \ The power of the full moon! Mikhail Kuzmin 1923 Doors painted with blue paint,


In addition to lyrical poems, Pushkin wrote many poems, starting with “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and ending with “The Bronze Horseman”. He created the Russian version of the romantic poem (“Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “The Robber Brothers”, “The Bakhchisarai Fountain”). The completion of the romantic poem genre was “The Gypsies” (1824).

In the poems “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and “Gypsies,” Pushkin sought to create a generalized character of a young man of the early 19th century.

Between “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and “Gypsies” lay a whole period of social development that made significant amendments to Pushkin’s worldview.

"Gypsies". Aleko and Zemfira. "Gypsies". Artist K. Klementyeva

The poet sets himself a priority task - to understand why achieving freedom turned out to be impossible. Since about 1823, he has persistently and consistently sought a solution to this historical riddle. The poet is interested in the inner world of modern man. Compared to “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” the conflict in “Gypsies” is based on the contradiction of the passions of the hero himself. This gave the poem tension and drama.

If in “Prisoner of the Caucasus” there are only two heroes, then the circle of people in “Gypsies” is expanded: the poet introduces, in addition to Aleko and Zemfira, the Old Gypsy, the Young Gypsy, and mentions Zemfira’s mother, Mariula. Pushkin dramatizes the narrative: dialogues between the characters appear.

Aleko and Zemfira. Artist K. Klementyeva

However, the contradictions between civilization and primitive Gypsy society, between the “European”, an enlightened person, and the Gypsies, “wild” and ordinary people, remain the original ones in this poem.

Pushkin gives preference to the free gypsy world. In the life of gypsies, he notes two features - freedom and poverty, in European “urban” society - bondage and luxury. People of a civilized society

    They trade according to their will,
    They bow their heads before idols
    And they ask for money and chains.

The gypsy camp is poor and devoid of luxury, but free and brave people live in it. Gypsies are free to dispose of themselves. They have no contradictions between desire and action, between word and deed, between thought and feeling.

Pushkin's heroes - Aleko, Zemfira, Old Gypsy - belong to different worlds.

Aleko enjoyed the free gypsy life for two years. He found freedom, peace of mind and love:

    He, not even remembering previous years,
    I'm used to being a gypsy.

But the short time of serene happiness is over: Zemfira fell in love with a young gypsy. How did this man, who condemned the “captivity of stuffy cities,” this rebel, dissatisfied with society, behave?

The old gypsy says: “We are wild; We have no laws." This is Zemfira’s idea of ​​love. Aleko thinks differently. He considers Zemfira his property and defends his “rights”:

    No, I'm not arguing
    I will not give up my rights!

Aleko's love, contrary to his consciousness, was not free, it turned out to be selfish. And in this, according to Pushkin, lies the true tragedy of the individual.

The poet's goal was an objective study of life, which inevitably turns even the best of the nobles into individualists and leads them to tragic hopelessness. Pushkin does not end the poem with any moral conclusion. Aleko remains a tall, tragic hero. The individualistic nature of Aleko’s love is not a consequence of the hero’s personal depravity, his nature. Aleko is not an egoist by nature, he belongs to a certain social group and was brought up in a civilized way of life, where there are laws.

In Pushkin's poem there are no heroes who are only positive or only negative. The poet does not idealize either the gypsy society, or the Old Gypsy, or Zemfira. In Zemfira's love, Pushkin notices frivolity, frivolity, and childish naivety. The old gypsy says to Aleko:

    You love sadly and difficultly,
    And a woman's heart is a joke.

Such female love contains a renunciation of all responsibilities; it is freed from moral concepts of duty.

In “Gypsies,” Pushkin comes to the conclusion that both the European, civilized world and the patriarchal, “natural” world are devoid of harmony: everywhere there are contradictions that end tragically for people. No wonder the epilogue of the poem contains sad words:

    And fatal passions are everywhere,
    And there is no protection from fate.

After creating the poem “Gypsies,” the poet seeks to answer the questions that concern him: why is the consciousness of modern man individualistic? What causes this, what does it depend on? Romanticism could not help resolve these issues.

Questions and tasks

  1. When was the poem "Gypsies" written? Where did it start and where did it end?
  2. Read the poem "Gypsies". What is her conflict?
  3. What is the motivation for Aleko’s flight from the city and his coming to the gypsies?
  4. How is the freedom of the gypsies ensured and what caused the lack of human freedom in a civilized society?
  5. What role does the lyrical digression about the moon play in motivating Zemfira’s betrayal?
  6. What is the artistic role of the image of Mariula, the wife of the Old Gypsy, in the conflict and composition of the poem?
  7. Does the poet share the words of the Old Gypsy who expels Aleko from the camp? Did Pushkin want to “debunk” or “expose” Aleko? Does Pushkin justify the behavior of Aleko and Zemfira and what is his author’s position?
  8. Explain the artistic meaning of the last scene of the poem, when the camp leaves, leaving Aleko. What is the role of the epilogue and how does it relate to the story of Aleko and Zemfira?
  9. Get acquainted with another genre of Pushkin's creativity - with one of the “little tragedies”.