My husband's feet are itchy. How to treat itchy feet below the knees. Symptoms and accompanying diseases

Every person has the desire to scratch some part of the body. And there is nothing wrong with this, unless you have to do this all the time. When such a need arises with increasing frequency, it is obvious that something has gone wrong in the body.

This fully applies to discomfort that occurs in the lower extremities. When the legs begin to itch so intensely that in a short time they can be scratched until they bleed, the causes should be identified and neutralized immediately.

Causes of discomfort not related to pathology

The lower part of the legs may itch for reasons that do not threaten health at all. In this case, the unpleasant sensations are temporary and disappear when the irritant disappears. We are talking about the following factors:

  • Insufficient water intake. Due to its deficiency, the skin dries out, flakes and itches.
  • It's cold time. During the winter and autumn months, itching occurs more often. It is the body’s reaction to too low air temperature, its changes when moving into a room from the street and vice versa.
  • Cosmetics that are not suitable for a particular person. Shower gels, milks, and creams may contain substances that irritate the skin and cause allergies.
  • Poor nutrition. The body often reacts with rashes and itching for a simple reason: it cannot digest harmful foods. You must ensure that you only eat fresh and healthy food. It would be a good idea to give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

Itchy legs below the knees: possible ailments and pathological conditions

There are pathological conditions and diseases that cause, among other symptoms, an itching sensation in the lower part of the legs.

Its most common causes are:

Skin diseases. They are the most common reason why legs begin to itch, rashes and hyperemia appear.

The most well-known skin disease is dermatitis. It is characterized by skin inflammation, redness, burning and itching. The temperature of the affected area often rises and becomes covered with blisters.

Dermatitis can affect any part of the body, including the legs below the knees. The disease often becomes chronic. Its appearance on a certain part of the body is quite natural if a person had this disease in childhood or adolescence.

Dermatitis can occur due to stress and hereditary predisposition. It occurs under the influence of external factors of various nature: biological, physical or chemical.

Dermatitis can appear due to obligate irritants, such as acids, alkalis, temperature, and certain plants.

2. Another skin disease that can affect the skin on the lower part of the legs is psoriasis. This chronic, non-infectious disease manifests itself in the form of peeling skin and rashes on it that you constantly want to scratch.

3. Allergic reaction– a common reason why the skin on the legs below the knees begins to itch. The list of allergens is impressive, and sensitivity to them increases if a person’s immunity decreases. Irritants are grouped into the following groups:

  • food (oranges, strawberries, chocolate, eggs, seafood);
  • household (wool, animal saliva, synthetic fabrics, dust, detergents);
  • medications;
  • wounds from insect bites;
  • flowering and plant pollen.

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The body reacts to the allergen with a rash - hives. Gradually, the rash merges into a single whole, covering large areas of the skin that itch. In order not to comb them, a person needs to exert all his willpower. Otherwise, you can get an infection, which will only worsen the discomfort.

4. Vascular pathology. Varicose veins like to develop on the lower part of the legs. The main cause of vascular pathology is a violation of venous outflow, as a result of which trophic changes appear in the tissues. The disease is mainly typical for older people and those in middle age. The skin is both itchy and painful when slightly disturbed with your fingers.

5. Diabetes. The disease manifests itself on the external surface with various unpleasant sensations. Itching is one of them. The skin itches not only on the lower extremities, but on any other area. Other changes also appear: spots, dryness, loss of elasticity. The skin on the legs is easily injured; a minor blow or touch to a convex surface is enough.

6. Liver and kidney diseases. Liver pathologies manifest themselves externally in the form of skin rashes. They cannot help but itch because they irritate the surface of the epidermis. In addition to these unpleasant sensations, the patient experiences bitterness in the mouth, weakness and heaviness in the right hypochondrium, and spider veins on the skin. Similar symptoms are observed with hepatitis, cirrhosis, and cholelithiasis.

With the development of renal failure, salts can be excreted from the body through the mucous membranes and outer integument. The skin gradually becomes too dry, pale, and begins to itch. Swelling of the lower extremities and face is observed.

Other causes of discomfort in the lower legs include:

  • blood diseases (lymphoma, polycythemia);
  • helminthic infestation;
  • neurological pathologies (osteochondrosis, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis).

Legs below the knees may also itch due to nervousness. Stress, anxiety, phobias and neuroses can provoke such an unpleasant symptom. Psychosomatic disorders are the body’s response to the emotional shock that it had to endure. Your feet will itch immediately or after the problems are left behind.

The appearance of itchy sensations in the lower part of the legs, causing a constant desire to scratch them, may indicate the development of serious ailments. In order to identify and treat them in time, one cannot do without examining the body.

Itchy legs below the knees: how to treat?

Before starting therapy, you should establish the main reason why your lower legs itchy. Depending on the pathology, various treatment methods are used. The main one is taking medications.

Drug treatment includes taking the following medications:

  • antihistamines;
  • detoxification;
  • complexing agents;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamin complexes.

For varicose veins, venotonics are effective - medications that improve the condition of blood vessels. The best results are obtained with the simultaneous use of ointments and tablets. It is advisable to take venotonics for preventive purposes. Antiplatelet drugs, in particular aspirin, improve the condition.

If you have diabetes, you are prescribed insulin and other glucose-lowering drugs. The treatment protocol depends on the type of diabetes and the individual characteristics of the person.

Liver pathologies are successfully treated with the help of hepatoprotectors - medications that have a positive effect on its functions. They help restore organ cells and protect them from any damage.

For psychogenic itching, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed.

Dermatitis therapy consists of several stages. Ointments and creams are used, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are taken. Physiotherapy and a special diet are prescribed. Medicinal compresses help a lot.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe psychotherapy.

Physio- and psychotherapy

Physiotherapeutic treatment methods are prescribed only when there are no contraindications. Many procedures are prohibited for inflammatory changes in the skin. The doctor takes this into account and prescribes depending on the diagnosis:

  • Reflexology.
  • Low-level laser therapy.
  • Balneotherapy.
  • UV radiation.
  • Electrophoresis.

Such procedures have the greatest effect in the treatment of psoriasis, diabetes, and varicose veins.
When, due to prolonged stress, anxiety, or depressive states, the balance of mediators in the nerve endings of the skin is disturbed, the help of a psychotherapist will be needed.

Until a person’s psychological state normalizes, the sensation of itching in the lower extremities will not cease to irritate him. They may periodically subside, but then return again. In this case, psychotherapeutic sessions are very appropriate. A psychotherapist may prescribe medications to help balance your emotional state.

What can you do at home?

In order to relieve discomfort without leaving home, you need to:

  • Apply a cold compress to the most affected area.
  • Lubricate the skin with moisturizer. This should be done at least once a day.
  • Use only natural cosmetics.
  • Do not wear clothes made of synthetic or rough fabrics.
  • Avoid taking baths or showers too often, as this can cause your skin to become dry and itchy. The water in the shower or bath should be moderately warm, but not hot.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Do not scratch your feet, as this may cause scratches and scars that will take a long time to heal.

Many of the causes of itching of the legs below the knees can be identified during a preventive examination. This will facilitate quick treatment and help avoid the occurrence of a similar symptom in the future.

During severe itching, you should follow the rule - do not scratch your feet, otherwise you can get an infection and only worsen the situation.

Tingling may have neurological causes.

Below are some of the main causes of itchy feet. Most of them can be dealt with at home, but if the itching recurs periodically, consult a doctor.

If your feet are itchy and itchy, it's most likely due to dryness or another mild irritant. Contact your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Feet itch for two weeks or more.
  • The skin is red or inflamed even if it is not scratched.
  • You have other symptoms, such as fever or fatigue.

If the symptoms listed above are not about your condition, then below you can familiarize yourself with the 12 most common causes.

This is one of the most common reasons, but, as a rule, it is temporary.

Dry, rough skin is often itchy and itchy, but this is often due to environmental factors. Hard, rough skin may be the result of an inherited condition called ichthyosis.


Skin becomes excessively dry if it loses its natural oils. This can be caused by showering too often and using too much soap.

Other causes include dehydration, swimming, dry or cold weather and heating systems, excessive sun exposure and the use of soaps containing fragrances and dyes.

Very dry skin can be caused by diseases such as hypothyroidism and Sjögren's syndrome. As we age, the skin becomes dry, so itching is a common problem for older people.

Treatment and prevention

  • Creams containing lactic acid and urea, as well as ointments containing petroleum jelly, are used immediately after bathing to help the skin retain moisture.
  • Dry skin can be prevented by reducing the frequency of bathing or showering and using soap in moderation.
  • Using a humidifier in a dry room.
  • Use detergents without fragrances or dyes.
  • Wearing soft fabrics, including silk and cotton.
  • Drinking enough liquid. Clear urine in the morning (about 200 ml) is an indicator of good hydration of the body.
  • Avoid wind and direct exposure to sunlight.
  1. Goosebumps (goosebumps)

Follicular keratosis on the arm.

These are not the same ones that frozen people feel. This is a rash in which hair follicles on the thighs or other areas (usually the upper arms) of the skin coalesce and form itchy patches. The condition, called keratosis pilaris by doctors, is a cluster of red or brown goosebumps.


Keratosis pilaris occurs as a result of an increase in keratin. It is hereditary but usually disappears before the age of 30.

Treatment and prevention

Keratosis pilaris bumps can be treated so that they disappear, but they almost always appear again. Dryness can make the condition worse.

Keratosis pilaris bumps can be treated so that they go away, but they almost always reappear.

  1. Folliculitis

Folliculitis or infected hair follicle.

When the hair follicles on the skin become infected. The bumps that appear are usually red in color and constantly itch and itch. They may also be filled with pus and become painful. They often appear on the thighs or, more often, in athletes who wear tight sportswear.


This rash is usually caused by staph (staph infection).

With proper hygiene, the lesions will heal on their own within a few days.

If it persists, antibacterial soap or ointment containing mupirocin may help.

For common infections, antibiotic tablets may be the most effective treatment.

  1. Itching in the legs below the knee after running

When jogging after a long break from sports, we may notice intense itching in our legs below the knee and on our stomach.

This condition is called “runner's itch” and is most often found on the thighs and calves.


Runner's itch occurs when blood vessels become weakened due to inactivity and then become active. Dilated blood vessels can irritate the nerves adjacent to them.

Treatment and prevention

Muscle loads will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

  1. Acne

photo of wool socks on a guy's feet

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They can appear on the skin of the arms, thighs, feet, buttocks and will not necessarily itch or itch.


Acne appears due to poor hygiene, psychological stress or an inappropriate diet.

Treatment and prevention

Physical activity, increasing fluid intake, reducing or completely eliminating fatty foods from the diet will help get rid of acne.

  1. Cholinergic urticaria

Eczema on toes in men photo

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Reaction after contact with coniferous wood

Cholinergic urticaria appears as a bumpy rash on the thighs, upper torso, or arms, and can be caused by a variety of causes.

Hives caused by urticaria can appear after exercise, as well as after being in a high temperature room, or even with emotional reactions such as excitement, shock, laughter and stress. The rash may appear a few minutes after you start running or shortly after taking a hot shower; the skin may be very itchy for 30-120 minutes.


Doctors believe these symptoms are caused by an allergic reaction of the body to its own sweat.

Treatment and prevention

Avoid working in hot weather and stop working immediately if itching occurs. If possible, do not scratch the skin - scratching will worsen the itching. Antihistamines taken at least 30 minutes before showering or exercising may provide relief.

  1. Itching after shower

If your skin loses too much of its natural protective layer during bathing, it can become dry and itchy.


Too often hot showers and excessive use of soap, which strip the skin's protective oils and natural oils.

Treatment and prevention

Try using warm rather than hot water. Limit the amount of soap you use.

  1. Lichen

Fungal ringworm is a rash similar to ringworm inguinal photo

Ringworm, also known as tinea groin, is a fungal infection of the skin. Most often it occurs on the inner thighs, genitals or buttocks, and is a large red or brown rash that is itchy and itchy.


Growth is caused by moisture and heat.

Treatment and prevention at home

Antifungal drugs are used for treatment, most often in the form of ointments.

For the purpose of prevention, you should avoid sweating in the groin area (you should wear light and comfortable clothes) and use antifungal soap.

  1. Poor hygiene

As sweat dries, it is destroyed by bacteria, which can irritate nerve endings. Heat and friction from clothing can aggravate this feeling, causing your feet to itch a lot.

Treatment and prevention

Swim regularly. Try using warm rather than hot water and mild soap to avoid stripping the protective oil layer from the skin.

  1. New Pants Syndrome Itch

This fancy term describes the itch that comes from wearing new, unwashed pants or trousers.

Cause: irritants on unwashed fabric.

Treatment and prevention: Take a shower and wash your clothes.

- This is a non-contagious inflammatory skin disease, accompanied by a variety of rashes, burning sensation, itching, a tendency to relapse and itches a lot. Almost 20% of children suffer from eczema, but most eczema disappears after the child turns 10 years old.


The causes of eczema are not fully understood. It is believed that eczema is an overactive immune response of the body to irritants.

Treatment and prevention

If left untreated, itchy eczema can be made worse by secondary infections. Lotions and creams should be applied to damp skin; they help the skin retain moisture. Cold ones also relieve itching. Hydrocortisone creams (1%) and prescription steroid creams and ointments also reduce inflammation.

  1. Chronic eczema

It appears as a rough, reddish or purple lump and causes itchy skin on the lower legs and feet. Occurs when there are circulatory problems, including varicose veins, vein thrombosis or other blood vessel diseases.


Inflammation from circulatory disorders allows fluid to accumulate in the skin. Leakage of fluid into other tissues causes irritation.

Treatment and prevention

Corticosteroids, including hydrocortisone, may help treat the rash.

Wearing compression stockings prevents problems with blood vessels in the legs.

Other causes of itchy feet

Wool and other fabrics can irritate the skin of your legs and feet.

The cause of itching can be a lack of vitamins and minerals: iron deficiency (anemia), vitamin C deficiency, deficiency of one or more B vitamins, and less commonly, vitamin A or vitamin K deficiency. Note: if you have normal levels of these vitamins in your blood, then It is unlikely that dietary supplements will help reduce itching.

Soaps, shampoos, lotions, creams or other cosmetics can cause skin irritation or contact dermatitis.

Allergies of any kind can itch and cause itching that affects the legs from the knees down to the lower legs. Typical symptoms are red and swollen skin, a red rash on the soles of the feet, and in severe cases, blisters on the feet (urticaria) or a rougher, scaly rash (contact allergy eczema).

Boots or waterproof shoes worn for a long time cause. The humidity allows the feet to settle, causing severe itching.

Prolonged sitting or prolonged standing causes congestion in the blood vessels of the legs, which can also cause itching in the feet or calves, especially in people with varicose veins.

Mosquito bites

Mosquito and other insect bites, especially after scratching, can cause local redness and itching that usually goes away after a few hours or a few days.

Any etiology (due to heart, liver or kidney problems, venous thrombosis, elephantiasis) can be associated with itching.

Liver diseases, clogged bile ducts, kidney diseases with increased levels of phosphates in the blood can cause itchy skin.

Touching nettles causes a burning sensation, redness and swelling, which then itch for many hours.

Minor cuts and scrapes may become itchy if you apply medicated ointment to the affected area.

Restless legs syndrome

This neurological disorder mainly affects women rather than men. The sensation is more like a tingling sensation than an itching sensation that makes you want to move your legs. The sensation occurs when the legs are at rest, especially at night, which makes sleep restless and sometimes impossible.


It's still not clear exactly what causes restless legs syndrome, but it is a neurological rather than a dermatological condition. The syndrome can be caused by a lack of magnesium or iron.

Treatment and prevention

Exercise and eliminating caffeine and alcohol from the diet may relieve symptoms.


The sensation of irritated skin below the knees can range from mildly uncomfortable to completely crippling itching. Constant itching can lead to constant scratching, which can damage the skin.

Skin that itches and itches in the same place has many causes, from dry skin to dermatitis. The affected area may appear normal or red, damaged, and rough. Since itchy skin can be very annoying, it is important for sufferers to understand what conditions can cause it and how it can be treated.

Signs and symptoms

Itchy skin below the knee area can be uncomfortable. The itchy feeling may be localized just below the knee, but it can also spread to other parts of the body. This can make daily activities difficult, especially if the itching is severe and lasts longer than six weeks. Prolonged itching is called chronic.


Dry skin is a common cause of itchy skin that is not accompanied by a rash. Loss of moisture due to dry air, especially in winter, can cause skin itching, cracking or peeling.

Other common causes include: eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, hives, aging skin and contact with irritants such as soaps, chemicals or wool.

Internal disorders, such as liver or kidney disease, usually affect the entire body rather than one localized area.

Home remedies and care

For the most part, treatment can be done at home. A cold compress applied to the skin below the knees may relieve symptoms.

Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing (especially at night), and avoid rough fabrics such as wool. Apply moisturizer to your skin year-round, especially in winter, to reduce dry skin.

Apply hydrocortisone cream to itchy areas or try an over-the-counter antihistamine if the itching is due to allergies.

Additionally, lotions that contain camphor, calamine, or pramoxine may also help. For severe or persistent itching, consult your doctor to determine the exact cause.

The doctor may also suggest a prescription antihistamine, opioid receptor antagonist drug, or corticosteroid.

Shower and bath

Although itchy skin can be caused by many factors, there are various ways to prevent it.

A person suffering from itchy skin should only douse himself or take a bath in warm or cool water. Hot water can strip your skin of moisture. It is also important to rinse off all soap after finishing bathing. Soaps and cleansers should be gentle and have a low pH level.

Don't scratch irritated areas

Constant scratching can lead to increased itching. Left untreated, it can cause a condition called neurodermatitis. This leads to the often scratched areas of the skin becoming inflamed.

The affected area may appear darker or redder than the surrounding skin. Additionally, repeated scratching behind the knee can cause permanent scarring, skin hyperpigmentation, or even a bacterial infection.

About the author: Andrey Stepanovich

Getting sick is always bad. This disrupts plans, reduces the quality of life and takes a lot of strength and energy. Leg diseases especially cause a lot of problems for patients. This is not just discomfort and unpleasant sensations, but also a significant limitation of motor activity up to complete immobility. Therefore, any symptoms - burning, itching on the legs, the appearance of a vascular pattern, the formation of nodules on the veins, red spots below - should alert you and force you to seek advice from a phlebologist, a doctor who treats the veins of the lower extremities. The causes of the disease and treatment depending on the manifestations - read about this in our article. Here you will read how you can get rid of itching and what to do if the disease is tormenting.

Why does it itch

A symptom of various diseases is itchy skin on the legs. The phenomenon is very unpleasant, especially painful when it is pronounced and long-lasting, and causes a lot of inconvenience in everyday life. Also, itching of the lower extremities can signal the development of some dangerous diseases. So, why do your legs itch below the knees and why do red spots appear? The causes of itching can be different:

  • Diseases of the kidneys (nephropathy) and liver.
  • Blood diseases (lymphoma, polycythemia).
  • Dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other skin pathologies.
  • Allergies and irritations.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities and other vascular pathologies.
  • Hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, other endocrine diseases.,
  • Infection with scabies mites or helminthic infestations.
  • Malignant or benign tumors.
  • Hormonal imbalance in women during pregnancy or menopause.

Unbearable itching of the skin on the legs can be caused by various disorders of the nervous system - neuroses, psychoses, depression, anorexia.

To get rid of itching on your legs from the feet to the knees, you must first find out why it appeared. As soon as the primary pathology is eliminated, the legs will immediately stop itching. But only an experienced doctor can find the source of the problem after talking with the patient, examining him, collecting tests and assessing their results. After this, the doctor can make a diagnosis and explain to the patient why his legs below the knees itch, as well as what to do.

The cause of itching may be a blood disease.

Dependence on provoking factors

Let's consider how provoking factors affect the manifestations of the problem and what treatment is provided depending on this.

  • Liver and kidney diseases

In case of liver diseases - cholelithiasis, hepatitis, cirrhosis - the outflow of bile from the cavity of the gallbladder into the duodenum is disrupted. This leads to general intoxication of the body, which provokes signs of atopic diffuse dermatitis. With dyskinesia, the patient feels constant skin itching, including itching of the hands and legs from the foot to the knee, this is accompanied by dryness and peeling of the epidermis, the appearance and fusion of blisters filled with watery fluid. Of course, with such symptoms, the patient will go not to a gastroenterologist, but to a dermatologist. But such additional symptoms as pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium, loss of appetite, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, coated tongue, bad breath, upset stool, low-grade fever will tell you that severe itching on the legs from the knee to the very feet indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Treatment can be conservative or operative when surgery is required. As a rule, legs and arms stop itching soon after surgery.

In case of kidney diseases, their excretory functions are disrupted, as a result of which many toxic substances accumulate in the body. They cause your feet to itch and your skin to become dry and flaky.

  • Blood diseases

Serious blood diseases such as polycythemia or Vaquez disease are accompanied by high activity of the bone marrow, which leads to an increase in the number of blood cells - red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. As a result, blood flow and the supply of tissues and organs with nutrients and oxygen are disrupted. The result is that patients begin to suffer from pain, burning in the muscles, itching of the skin of the legs in the area of ​​​​the feet, legs and knees, especially at night.

  • Skin ailments

Itching or rash on the skin may appear due to skin ailments.

This is a very common reason for rashes and itching on the legs. Eczema, psoriasis and erysipelas are especially dangerous. Their treatment is long and difficult, they are characterized by:

  1. Skin rash.
  2. Complete redness of the affected areas or isolated red spots on the body.
  3. Severe itching and burning.
  4. Relapses.

Rashes are most often observed on the legs in the area of ​​the legs and knees; the feet almost always remain clean. Dermatitis can be either an independent disease caused by an infection or bacteria (for example, erysipelas is caused by streptococcus bacteria), or a symptom of systemic diseases of the body or internal organs.

  • Allergies and irritations

People with reduced immunity or hypersensitivity to certain components suffer from allergies. Irritants can be food, detergents and cleaners, synthetic clothing, medicines, plants, dust, soft toys, animals - there are several dozen such factors.

Externally, an allergy can manifest itself in different ways, including redness and severe itching of the legs - knees, shins, feet, the skin may be covered with small pimples or covered with flaky spots.

Women experience irritation on the skin of the legs or genital area after depilation with a razor, wax or epilator.

Treatment in case of allergic reactions comes down to eliminating the allergen, taking histamines, and following a diet. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms - itching and redness of the legs - disappear within 24 hours.

Often inflammation and an allergic reaction are provoked by insect venom. Itchy spots on the legs after a wasp or mosquito bite can be lubricated with 9% table vinegar, alcohol or regular brilliant green. However, if the bite site begins to swell and red spots spread from the leg to other parts of the body, then you should immediately seek medical help.

Itching on the skin may appear due to allergies.

  • Infections

It happens that the leg itches in one place, for example on the foot, under the knee or on the thigh. In this case, at the site of the itching there may be a red or pink spot with clearly defined edges. It's ringworm. It may also look different: flaky areas, peeling skin on the leg in sheets, brown plaques from several mm to several cm in diameter.

Excruciating itching of the foot, burning and redness occur when affected by a fungal infection. In this case, the feet, nail plates and skin between the toes are most often affected.

The fungus is characterized by high contact, it is very easy to become infected with it from a carrier of the infection - through shoes, in public baths, showers, or a swimming pool. Low immunity increases the risk of contracting mycosis. But treatment can be lengthy, since fungal infections cause relapses. The return of the disease will be signaled by renewed itching of the feet.

  • Varicose veins

Itching in the legs below the knee also causes varicose veins. This is a serious disease of the veins, in which the walls of blood vessels become thinner, nodes form, and valves are affected. As a result, the venous blood flow is disrupted, blood clots appear, which clog the vessels and provoke the development of trophic ulcers. Most often, the disease affects the veins of the lower extremities. Vascular “patterns” appear on the legs below the knees, veins protrude, and lumps are felt under the toes. In addition to the unaesthetic appearance, the disease causes a lot of inconvenience. Heaviness in the legs, rapid fatigue, burning and itching with varicose veins of the legs are common symptoms of this disease. Swelling of the lower leg is often observed.

Itching on the lower extremities can occur due to the manifestation of varicose veins.

It is necessary to treat varicose veins; the disease should not be left to chance. The course of therapy will be prescribed by a phlebologist - a doctor specializing in vascular pathologies. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

  • Endocrine pathologies

Diabetes mellitus and thyroid diseases accompany redness and itching of the skin of the legs. Patients wonder how to get rid of this scourge? Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that cannot be completely cured. But with proper therapy, following a diet and certain rules, patients lead a full life. An ointment for itching on the legs with corticosteroids, such as Flucinar or Dermozolon, will help relieve symptoms. In this case, traditional methods help - baths or lotions with medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, celandine, oak bark). Another good way is to apply a compress made from a slightly beaten cabbage leaf.

  • Scabies mites and worms

When tumors develop, the body is poisoned by tissue breakdown products; these toxins cause the entire body to itch, including the legs. These symptoms disappear completely soon after treatment.

  • Hormonal surges and disruptions

The female body is exposed to hormonal surges during pregnancy, menopause and during menopause. During this period, women often experience itchy feet as a result of hormonal changes.

Pregnant women complain of itchy skin not only on their legs, but also on their arms, back, and abdomen. The reason for this may be both the release of hormones and stretching of the skin. The symptom usually appears at 5-6 months of pregnancy and disappears immediately after childbirth.

  • Neuroses and depression

Nervous system disorders are accompanied by emotional instability, irritability and aggression, insomnia and poor appetite, and decreased performance. A related symptom is itching of the legs, and it can be so severe that the patient scratches his legs until they are wounded. In this case, it is neurological pathologies that need to be treated, and the itching can simply be temporarily relieved with the help of an anesthetic ointment or a cooling gel or cream.

Thus, itching on the legs from the feet to the knees can be caused by a number of factors. Only a doctor can determine the actual cause after examining the patient.

In most cases, itchy feet is not an independent disease, but only a symptom that accompanies a certain pathology of the body. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account one reason or another.

If your hands and feet itch and this causes constant discomfort, then you should not ignore the situation. Unpleasant sensations may be accompanied by redness, watery blisters, burning and other symptoms. In this case, first of all, you need to consult a dermatologist.

Causes of itchy skin on legs and arms

The causes of itching of the extremities may be different, but in any case, a symptom such as itching of the skin is a sign that some negative disruptions have occurred in the functioning of the body.

However, when a person’s skin itches, he tries to independently find a solution to this problem in the form of his grandmother’s recipes. But this method of treatment is suitable if, for example, itching on the hands is caused by simple dry skin or staying outside for a long time during windy weather.

Some people's limbs may become itchy due to frequent contact with water or the use of detergents. In such situations, you simply need to carefully care for your skin using special creams and use gloves when cleaning or washing dishes.

If there is a more serious cause at the root of the itching on the arms and legs, then you cannot do without a qualified doctor. Any delay can mean serious consequences for the entire body.

The main factors that provoke itching of the hands and feet:

  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • skin diseases.

Allergy – the body says: “STOP”!

Sometimes itching appears periodically, and the reason for this may be the entry of an allergen into the body, which triggers an allergic reaction in the form of redness and rash. Itchy skin on the hands indicates that the allergen entered the body through contact with household chemicals, cosmetics, and soap.

A similar allergic reaction can also be caused by stinging insect bites, plant pollen and some medications, and as a result, itchy hands and feet.

If the connection between itching and any allergen is clearly visible, for example, the appearance of itching sensations after washing dishes, then it is enough to simply reduce contact with the allergen to a minimum, i.e. wear gloves when washing dishes or use a low-allergenic detergent.

Diseases of internal organs

Often people who suffer from diabetes complain that their feet and sometimes the palms of their hands itch. The fact is that this disease is accompanied by thinning of the skin where the nerve endings are located. When blood sugar rises, it affects these nerve endings, causing your hands and feet to itch.

Similar symptoms are observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Intoxication of the body is accompanied by problems with bowel movements. As a result of intoxication, a rash may appear on the legs and arms, which initiates itching.

When hormonal pathologies are present in the body, as well as diseases of the kidneys, liver and bile ducts, then all metabolic processes are disrupted. Manifestations of such disorders can be noticed independently, since, among other symptoms, the palms of the hands itch.

Skin infections and diseases

Itching of the extremities can be caused by skin infections of various types. The most common among them:

  • Fungus
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Scabies

With fungus, itching is mainly felt on the feet, but can also appear on the hands and wrists. This infectious disease spreads very quickly, so you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, since, first of all, you are putting your family members at risk.

A person suffering from psoriasis may experience a flare-up at any time. This chronic disease leads to the appearance of psoriatic plaques, which itch and cause a lot of discomfort. In advanced cases, swelling of the hands appears and the functioning of the joints is disrupted.

With scabies and eczema, the itching worsens at night. The difference is that scabies is an infectious disease caused by the scabies mite. When infected, not only the legs itch, but also the stomach, armpits, wrists, and elbows. Scratching the rash provokes the appearance of ulcers.

Eczema is an inflammatory disease of the skin that most often affects the extremities.

When asked why palms itch with eczema, the answer is that watery blisters that appear in the itchy area burst and form scaly crusts. When they dry out and crack, it leads to unbearable itching.

Ways to eliminate itching

Self-treatment of itching may not yield any results, or may lead to more serious consequences. Therefore, the best option to eliminate itching is to consult a doctor. If we are talking about relieving itchy sensations, then there are several recommendations.

  1. First of all, you should not scratch in itchy areas: you can scratch the skin until it bleeds and cause an additional infection.
  2. You can reduce the discomfort from itching with a warm, but not hot, bath. After this, you should apply a moisturizer.
  3. If itching occurs as a result of contact with an allergen, be it washing powder, mascara or another product that contains an aggressive substance, then it is often enough to exclude this allergen.

If an allergic reaction is caused by the bite of mosquitoes, bees or other insects, or contact with pollen on the skin, then you should take an antihistamine, the therapeutic effect of which appears within half an hour. In both cases, after taking initial measures, you need to consult a doctor.

  1. To relieve itching caused by excessive dry skin, apply moisturizer to hands and feet. With regular use, the symptom disappears and you will forget that your limbs were ever itchy.
  2. During an exacerbation of symptoms, doctors recommend following a diet and not eating spices, hot and spicy foods, and avoiding fatty foods and smoked foods. Taking a sedative will help alleviate the condition.
  3. Run a humidifier from morning to evening; getting enough moisture will greatly relieve discomfort.
  4. A cool compress will help soothe irritated skin; it will cool the skin and partially relieve inflammation.
  5. To eliminate itching during fungus, eczema or other skin diseases, when the soles, palms, elbows and areas between the fingers itch, doctors prescribe ointments and creams containing hormones.

Prevention is better than cure

Maintain hygiene

Nobody canceled the rules of hygiene. We all remember the words of Korney Chukovsky: “Always take a bath! Swim everywhere! Incredible, but true: maintaining normal hygiene can be an excellent prevention of itching. In order not to be tormented by the question of why your legs or other parts of the body itch, you should be careful when visiting public institutions such as baths, saunas, swimming pools, since it is easiest to get infected there.

Monitor your blood glucose levels

If your blood sugar levels periodically rise or you suffer from diabetes, try to monitor your glucose levels. High sugar content provokes unpleasant itching, which makes the disease seem even more terrible. Maintaining normal glucose levels will help prevent itching.

Avoid stressful situations

Stress itself can cause your arms and legs to itch. If you are exposed to stress coupled with diseases such as psoriasis or eczema, then this only makes the situation worse. Stress is directly related to the nervous system, which acts on the nerve endings located under the skin and provokes unbearable itching.

The causes of itching can be different and manifest themselves to varying degrees. However, even minor discomfort is not recommended to be ignored. This is a good reason to contact a specialist. Timely qualified assistance will allow you to accurately diagnose the disease and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

When the feet itch, a person cannot find a place for himself. Many skin diseases are accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon. The feeling of itching brings psychological and moral suffering, disrupts the normal rhythm of life, and interferes with everyday activities.

Itchy feet and toes all day and at night. The cause may be dermatological diseases.

The skin on your feet requires constant care. Dryness, accompanied by itching, occurs when there is insufficient air humidity and exposure to cold winter winds. Women are used to helping their hands with moisturizing creams. Likewise, you need to take care of your feet. If the problem lies deeper, seek professional help.

Factors that provoke itching

Damage to the skin of the legs is manifested not only by itching. Peeling, burning, redness of the skin, pain are associated symptoms in patients.

Unpleasant events cannot be tolerated. It is necessary to find the cause of the pathological process and cure it in order to avoid complications. The causes of itchy feet can occur within the body or due to environmental factors.

External factors:

  1. Injuries, abrasions, burns, frostbite of the lower extremities.
  2. Calluses and corns cause burning.
  3. Blood-sucking insects (ticks, fleas). Red bumps and intense itching in several family members are a reason to think about the presence of a microscopic resident.
  4. Fungus on the feet with excessive sweating and poor hygiene quickly colonizes the skin.


Treatment methods

A detailed diagnosis and adequate treatment will be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Correctly identifying the cause is half the result. The other half is the treatment itself. You can't scratch an itchy place! Swelling can be influenced by medications and folk remedies.

Therapeutic measures:

  1. Pour 1 tsp of dry celandine into a glass of hot water. Leave for 10 - 15 minutes. Wipe the irritated skin of the feet with the tincture.
  2. Propolis tincture will help relieve unbearable itching. Apply to areas several times a day. Propolis kills germs and moisturizes the skin. Apply ointment to gauze and apply to feet. The itching will go away within 10 minutes.
  3. Brew tea with lemon balm (1 tbsp herb per glass). Melissa will calm the nerves and relieve skin irritation. The course of treatment is 1 month, twice a day.
  4. Buy the drug Mumiyo at the pharmacy. Its medicinal substances restore damaged skin and increase regenerative abilities. Apply as a compress to your feet and leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Soda. Dilute baking soda with water to a paste. Apply to itchy areas of the body. Keep until completely dry. Rinse off any remaining residue with water.

Effective itching relievers

Current medications for relieving itching include:

  1. Sinaflan is a medicine that helps with allergic manifestations and dermatitis of various etiologies. The ointment begins to act upon first contact with the skin, reducing itching and dry skin. During pregnancy, in the presence of cutaneous tuberculosis, the drug is contraindicated.
  2. Akriderm Genta is an antibiotic-based drug used to treat many dermatological diseases. Applying the medicine to scratches, wounds, ulcers, and rashes is unacceptable.
  3. Menovazin is a complex pain reliever to relieve itching.
  4. Sulfur ointment is a cheap, proven remedy. Has antiseptic properties. Can be used during pregnancy.

Hygiene and preventive measures

Itching is difficult for an adult to endure, and even more so for a child. Simple daily rules will help you recover quickly and prevent the occurrence of diseases:

  1. Get advice from a doctor in a timely manner, do not start the pathological process, treat chronic diseases correctly.
  2. Don’t skimp on comfortable, high-quality, well-ventilated shoes. Don't wear other people's shoes.
  3. Do not forget about hygiene (shower and bath daily).
  4. For minor injuries or scratches, do not be lazy to treat the damaged surface with antiseptics.
  5. Check your blood sugar levels periodically and eat less sweets.
  6. After washing your feet, wipe them dry so as not to create favorable conditions for fungus.
  7. Use a pumice stone on your heels several times a week.
  8. Fight the problem of excessive sweating of feet and unpleasant odor. Algel, Formidron, baths with oak bark and sage will help remove the problem.

For minor symptoms of itching, home care can be used. If you suspect a serious illness, you should consult your doctor.